Chapter One: Return of The Kingpin Part I

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Quick Note: Make sure to read these in order or they won't make sense.

1. Wait For Me To Come Home.
2. That's Amore
3. It Was A Good Day
4. The Pursuit Of Happiness
5. The Pain In My Heart


"Spencer! Wake the hell up! We don't got time to dick around." a familiar voice said.

I lifted my head up from my knees. I was sleeping against a wall in the fetal position. I looked up to see my friend Vincent. We all called him Vinnie though. He reached his arm out to me and pulled me to my feet.

Vinnie was a guy that I met when we moved our base of operations for my organization. My organization was called the "NWG" which stood for New World Genesis. Over the past year we've been battling out greatest rival called TFS, which stood for Task Force Shield.

Ever since I woke up from my coma, I've been working on changing the NWG. We moved to New York and began doing organized crime.

I was in a coma for a week after some TFS bastard shot me in my sleep. I was stuck in a dream where I fell in love with 4 girls from a fictional game.

I missed them so much, but I chose to stay alive fueled by rage to kill Michael... the real Michael, who was the leader of TFS. One day I would get my revenge on him.

After that I began to build my empire of crime. Today however, was a special day. Today we were stealing something very... very special.

It was called the Star Emerald. A precisely cut emerald that was worth more money that the NWG has ever had before, and today we were stealing it.

"You still having those crazy dreams Frost?" Vinnie said.

Vinnie called me Frost because that was my codename and such. We used codenames that way we would never compromise our identities.

"Somewhat... anyway let's go." I said.

Vinnie led me into an elevator and we went down a couple of floors. The doors opened and that's when we met my good friends Drew and Khalil.

Drew was a childhood friend of mine and Khalil was a friend that I met in highschool. After I woke up from my coma, I graduated and moved to New York. It's been about a year since I woke up from my coma... and I still think about those girls every single day.

"Hey man." I said while grabbing Khalil's hand and bumping chests

"You ready for this?" Khalil said.

"Yeah. Where's our ride?" I asked.

"Vinnie put it over here." Drew said while pointing to a car covered in a tarp.

We walked over to the car and pulled the tarp off it. It revealed a Rolls-Royce Phantom II. Similar to the one that I drove when... oh wait... that never actually happened.

"Holy shit dude..." I said.

"Only the best for the NWG." Khalil said while handing me 2 Thompsons with drum mags.

"We doing this Mafia style." Drew said.

I began to chuckle a little.

"I'm pretty sure me and Vince are the only Italian ones here." I said while tossing Vincent the other Thompson.

We all got into the car and Khalil began driving to the antique store. The Star Emerald was in a safe that was in the back of the store.

I put my Thompson on my lap and looked down at it. I brushed away the dust that was on the butt of the gun.

"Hey Khalil, remember when we-." I began to recall how me and Khalil shot those guys, but then I remembered how that didn't happen.

"For the last time Spence. None of that dream stuff happened." Drew said.

"I know, I know..." I said. I vaguely told Drew about what happened in my dream. I only told him that I met 4 girls and that's about it.

I nervously adjusted the tie that was in the suit I was wearing. We all wore suits that way it didn't look suspicious when we entered the store.

"Alright we're right around the corner. Everyone remember their codenames?" Khalil asked.

"Khalil, you're Bronco. Drew, you're Dynasty. Vince, you're Vulture. And I'm Frost." I said while clicking the drum mag into my gun.

"Precisely." Khalil said.

We rolled in front of the store and me, Dynasty, and Vulture got out.

"I'll roll the car around the back of the store. You all have about 5 minutes until we all go down." Bronco said.

"We'll only need 2." Dynasty said while smirking.

Bronco drove the Rolls-Royce behind the store.

Me, Dynasty, and Vulture all entered the store.

"Let's clear 'em out boys!" Vulture said while he started shooting bullets into the ceiling.

All of the people rushed out of the store screaming. I walked over to the shop keep and pointed my gun at him.

"Don't do anything you'll regret." I said.

Dynasty walked into the backroom with a black bag. That bag contained some explosives made by yours truly.

Vulture walked around the store shooting out cameras and computers.

"Dynasty how long till we're done here?" I yelled.

Dynasty suddenly ran up to me with a clicker in his hand.

"Would you like to do the honors boss?" he said while handing me the clicker.

I grin stretched across my face as I squeezed the clicker, causing an explosion in the back room.

Vulture ran into the back room for about 10 seconds and then came back out. He tossed me a small green object and I caught it.

"Is that it boss?" Vulture asked.

I put the gem up to the sunlight. Sure as shit, this was the gem.

"We got it boys." I said while laughing.

"Ah shit, the fuzz is here." Dynasty said while looking out the window.

Me, Vulture, and Dynasty made our way through the back room and left through the back door.

Waiting outside was the familiar Rolls-Royce. Dynasty got in the passenger seat and me and Vulture hung off the sides of the car.

Bronco slammed on the gas as we left the alley way. He turned onto the main road and I looked behind me.

"That's a lotta cops." I said.

Vulture started unloading his Thompson on the direction of the police cars as Bronco drove away.

"Haha was, that was a lot of cops." Vulture said while smiling.


That's Amore (A DDLC Fanfic continuation of "Wait For Me To Come Home")Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin