Chapter Sixteen: Living To Die

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I had a another weird dream... however this one was different.

I stood on top of a black void as if I was floating. It the distance I saw Natsuki running towards me.

It seemed as if she was bleeding...but from her eyes.

"Natsuki?" I called out. Natsuki kept running towards me.

"Natsu..." I was about to say her name again but I noticed something, there was a purple eye carving indented on her forehead, similar to the one I saw on Monika.

Natsuki ran towards me and right before she got in front of me, me and her fell into a pool of black water.

I swam to the surface and looked for Natsuki.

"Natsuki?!" I called out.

I dunked my head under the water and I saw Natsuki being drug underwater by a dark purple hand.

I swam downward and tried to grab Natsuki's hand. I saw a sheer look of terror on Natsuki's face as she struggled to grab my hand.

"NATSUKI!!!!" I screamed. Our hands were inches apart but we couldn't grab each other.

I saw slowly Natsuki let our her last breathe and her eyes closed. Suddenly a projectile flew through the water and pierced my chest.

"GAH!" I yelled as I woke up.

I looked around and saw that I was still in Monika's office. My back was killing me to say the least. 

I looked to my right to see Monika still resting soundly on my shoulder.

"Monika?" I said.

Her eyes slowly opened and she looked up at me. She smiled a little bit when she saw me.

"Good... I thought you coming here last night was a dream..." She said.

"No, that really happened." I said.

"I'm happy then." Monika said while rubbing her head on my arm.

I felt something in my pocket so I pulled it out. It was another one of Odysseus's letters. I read it.

"Whatever you found last night was the source if everything! You did it! You really did it! The dreams are just a side effect off you being close to the source. The third eye is showing you what will happen if you don't destroy's almost mocking you...good work nonetheless. -Odysseus."

Suddenly Monika got up and stood in front of me. She reached her hand out to me and I grabbed it. Monika pulled me to my feet and she stood next to me.

She smirked innocently at me so I flashed her a wink. I looked down at my watch and saw that it was almost time for me to go see my friend Drew.

"Ah shit...I gotta go meet a friend. I'll see you later." I said.

"W-wait..." Monika said.

"What?" I asked, confused.

"T-Take me with's so lonely here..." Monika said.

"Alright, you can come." I said while flashing Monika a smile. I grabbed her hand and we held hands over to my car.

"This SUV..." Monika said, sitting in the passenger seat.

"I know...lots of memories in this." I said.

"Hopefully we can make more." Monika said.

"I'd like that." I said.

I drove over to the bar where I was supposed to meet Drew. The bar parking lot was filled so I parked the SUV across the street.

Me and Monika walked over to the bar until we saw something.

It was a group of men surrounding someone on the ground, swinging shiny objects at him.

I began to walk faster as I heard the man cry out.


It was at that moment that I realized the man on the ground was Drew, and the people around him were stabbing him with box cutters.

"DREW!" I yelled. I unholstered my Beretta and started shooting at the guys.


My gun jammed, while I struggled to unjam it I heard gunshots come from behind me. I turned to face Monika holding her signature .357 magnum with one hand, shooting bullets at the men. All of them hit the pavement and I ran over to Drew.

I crouched down by him to see his face and left eye covered in cuts. There were also a lot of cuts around his throat.


"" Drew tried to talk but it was almost as if he was choking.

"Drew damn it! Speak to me." I yelled.

Drew didn't respond. He stopped breathing and he just stared up into the sky.

Monika just stood there, not knowing what to do. I looked at my hands, which we soaked with Drew's blood.

"They...they did this..." I said.

I knew exactly who did this. There was only one person I knew who would kill someone in such a cowardice way. Cosgrove.

I covered my face with my hands trying to hide the tears coming from my eyes. Drew's blood soaked my face.

I whipped my face with my sleeve and looked down at Drew. I opened his shirt and took his NWG dog tags, along with his death card. I held his card in my hands, which was the King of hearts.

I put my hand over Drew's eyes and closed them. I stood up, and just walked away without saying anything else. I got back in my SUV and Monika got into the passenger seat.

"Spencer I'm...I'm sorry..." Monika said.

"It''s fine." I said.

I wasn't really the type to go off on people after my friends die, as I thought that just made the person look like an asshole.

"He wouldn't want me to be sad..." I said.

I drove back to my house and opened the door to my house, Monika following close behind me.

Natsuki, now wearing casual clothes stopped Monika as she followed me.

"What happened?! Why is he covered in blood?" Natsuki asked.

"Hell...hell happened..." Monika said.

I went into my room and closed the door. I didn't want the girls to see me like this.

I crouched down on my floor and just layed there. Tears began to slowly come out of my eyes until I fell asleep.


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