Chapter Four: I'll take you there

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We got back in the SUV and Drew asked where the money was.

"We were robbed." I said.

"And Spencer didn't do anything about it." Vinnie said while holding his side.

Vincent looked over at me.

"And just for the record, that was one of the Green Eyes Mistress's people." he said.

"Are you serious?" I asked.

"Dead serious."

"Dude can we just go back to the fact that we just got robbed." Drew said.

"Look... I'll get the gem back." I said.

"And how do you plan to do that." Vince said.

"I don't know... I'll figure it out." I said.

"Whatever man, you're on your own. The Green Eyed Mistress is a tough woman to find." Drew said.

Khalil drove the SUV back into our warehouse and everyone got out.

"Hey dude." Vinnie said.

"Yeah?" I answered.

"Look man, I'm sorry about before. I just hate being stolen from. Don't get yourself killed out there." Vinnie said while handing me a small file.

"What's this?" I asked.

"That's all the information that we've gathered on the Green Eyed Mistress." he said.

I opened the file to show a small picture that was covered in blood.

"Why is this covered in blood?" I asked.

"Because the person who snapped the photo was shot in the head 2 seconds after taking the photo. Nobody can really sneak up on her." Vince said.

I looked down at the information that was listed. Green eyes, long brown hair, black suit.

"That's all the information we got?" I asked.

"She's a hard girl to find." Vince said.

"Alright well I'll see what I can do." I said while getting in my SUV.

I drove out of the warehouse and drove back to my apartment. I went up the stairs and saw that my room was blocked off.

I wanted to see if any of my stuff was salvageable. I rammed the door open to see that everything was torched.

"Damn..." I said. I didn't really have too many valuables in my apartment. I just hope that the rest of the grenades that I had hidden in my house don't go off on anyone. I began to leave the rubble of my apartment until I saw a small envelope on my table.

I picked up the envelope and it had "Odysseus." Written on the front of it. I opened the envelope and it had a small note with some pictures.

"A reward for your slow progress. Your Guardian Angel, Odysseus." it read.

I looked at the pictures. They were of me with the girls while I was in the dream.

One was of me and Monika dancing in the rain. Another was when Natsuki hugged me after she shot me. Another was when me and Sayori was on our ice cream date and I was patting her head, and the last was of me and Yuri kissing on the boardwalk with the sunset in the background.

A faint smile stretched across my face as a couple tears came out of my eyes.

"I still love you." I said into the air. I replaced the photos into the envelope and put the envelope in my suit pocket.

I got on my phone and ended up buying a house that I probably shouldn't have. I had a bunch of money laying around anyway so it didn't really hurt.

It was a 4 bedroom house with a nice kitchen, living room, and dining room. It was similar to the one I had in my dream, but with two more rooms. 

I drove my SUV out front my new house and went inside it. I spent the next couple hours modeling my house the way I wanted to. Soon enough everything was put together and I took a seat on my new couch.

I turned on the TV and saw that the news was on.

"New crime gang better than the NWG?!" it scrolled across the screen.

"Oh hell no." I said out loud.

A woman appeared on screen and started reporting about a bank that was robbed. They completely cleared them out.

Police sketch's come on screen of the two people who did the crime. One was of a girl wearing a fedora with a big red bow on her white dress shirt.

Another was of a pink haired girl wearing knuckle dusters on her fingers.

The two girls seemed oddly familiar, but I couldn't remember where they were from.

I turned off the TV and went over to my liquor cabinet. I opened it to reveal that I had no liquor at all.

"Damn it... looks like I'm going to the bar." I said.

I grabbed my keys drove over to a nearby bar. It wasn't necessarily nice, but it was a bar.

I parked my SUV outside and went in. I went over to bartender and asked him for a glass of crown. He poured a little bit into a glass and slid it to me. I took a drink of it.

I checked the time and it was about 8:00 P.M.

I leaned on the bar and began to look around. I looked at the door and a woman walked in.

"Ah shit if course it's her." I said to myself. The woman that walked in was Yuri, dressed in the same clothes that she was earlier today.

I watched as she went over across the bar and ordered a drink. I think that she even looked up at me and saw me.

I saw how she eventually got a drink and left the bar. I watched her go outside and into a car with black tinted windows.

"I've got to follow her." I said to myself. I ran and got into my SUV, following Yuri's car at a safe distance.


That's Amore (A DDLC Fanfic continuation of "Wait For Me To Come Home")Where stories live. Discover now