Chapter Two: Return Of The Kingpin Part II

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Khalil pulled the Rolls-Royce into a small warehouse. We returned to referring to each other as our normal names as we were in a safe zone now.

"Did we really just get away with that shit?" Drew asked.

"Hell yeah we did." I said excitedly.

We all gathered around for high fives and celebration.

"Hey how about going out for some drinks tonight huh? I'm buying." Vincent said.

"Well shit, if you're buying." Khalil said.

"Hell yeah I'm in! What about you Spence?" Drew asked.

"No... I got some plans tonight that I need to do." I said.

"Wait isn't today the one year anniversary of you getting shot by the TFS bastard?" Drew asked.

"Yeah, that's right." I said.

"Oh okay, well try not to get shot again." Drew said jokingly.

I waved my 3 friends goodbye and they all drove off. I would've loved to drink with them, but there was something I needed to try.

I drove back to my old apartment that I lived in. I opened the door slowly to see empty liquor bottles and random poker chips scattered across my table.

"Home sweet... home..." I said sadly.

I remembered when I would get home and the girls would hug me and kiss me because they missed me.

"They were one of the very few people who actually loved me..." I said to myself.

I checked my watch and noticed that it was about time to do that thing. I rushed over to my computer and opened Doki Doki Literature Club.

Monika's face appeared on screen.

I went over to my liquor cabinet and picked out the exact scotch that I drank the night that I met Monika.

I poured some into a rock glass and went to my computer. I looked into Monika's dead green eyes that displayed on my screen.

"Please God... please work." I said.

I took a drink from my scotch and leaned back in my chair. I purposely leaned back too far and fell backwards, pouring scotch all over my laptop again.

I was trying to recreate what happened that night I met Monika that way I could be with them one more time.

I got up and opened another tab. I began to type the exact sentence that I typed that night into the other tab.

I finished the sentence and waited for my computer to shock me. I waited... and waited... and waited... but the computer never shocked me. I turned away from the laptop and the screen switched off.

I turned around in excitement.

"M-maybe there's still a chance." I said to myself.

I gleefully picked up my laptop and set it on the table that was in my room.

"Now there's just one last thing to do." I said. I took off my suit and climbed into bed.

I laid on my back and closed my eyes.


I began to actually fall asleep.

I began to have a dream. I was standing on a white platform.

"Hello Spencer..." a voice said from behind me.

I turned around to see a woman wearing a white robe with long golden hair.

"W-who are you?" I asked.

"I am Odysseus... I am your guardian angel." she said while reaching her hand out.

"Am I just hallucinating again?" I said out loud.

"Far from it. I know what you've been through Spencer." Odysseus said.

"You do? Then how are you supposed to be my guardian angel?!" I said angrily.

"Because there is something that I cannot prevent myself, as you are the only one that can avoid this." Odysseus said.

"Yeah? And what's that?" I asked in an annoyed voice.

"You have seen it before Spencer. You have overlooked it and that's why you were taken away... it's the third eye Spencer." Odysseus said.

The third eye? What does she mean? The Portrait of Markov?

"The third eye is but a great evil Spencer. You will be given a second chance in your real reality." Odysseus added.

"I-I'm confused..." I said.

"What about-." I began to talk but Odysseus cut me off.

"You must wake up Spencer! Time is running out!" Odysseus yelled. "This is your only chance that's left!"

A black vision came over my eyes as I began to wake up. I sat up in bed and looked around breathing heavily.

Suddenly an object flew through my window. It was a bottle with the tip of it lit on fire.

The fire bottle hit the ground of my room and began to catch everything on fire.

I got up out of bed and ran out of the room, almost catching myself on fire.

"S-somebody just threw a fucking Molotov cocktail in my house." I said to myself.

I ran towards my front door but it was barricaded closed on the other side. I began ramming the door but it wouldn't budge. I ran over to my window and opened it, trying to catch a breath of fresh air.

I looked down on the sidewalk of my apartment to see someone standing there with a jet black suit on.

That person looked up at me. I saw the person eye's. They were glowing a bright green color.

That person looked straight into my eyes and smiled. Then they threw another Molotov cocktail at my window, almost engulfing me in flames.

"Wh-what the fuck is this?" I said to myself. I opened my cabinet and pulled out a grenade that was hidden behind some spices.

"I really hope this works." I said to myself.

I threw the grenade at my door and hid behind my refrigerator door.

The grenade exploded, destroying the door and the dead bolt that held my door closed on the other side.

I ran through my blown up door into my hallway. The apartment maid looked at me in terror.

"Sorry." I said while limping down the hallway, wearing nothing but a pair of shorts.

I walked down into my old SUV and got into the driver seat. I began thinking to myself.

"Who the fuck was that?" I thought to myself.

I recalled seeing their evil grin and glowing eyes looking up at me.

"Th-theres no fucking way." I thought to myself.

I began to lose my vision and I passed out on the steering wheel.


That's Amore (A DDLC Fanfic continuation of "Wait For Me To Come Home")Where stories live. Discover now