| Chapter 6, Through the Flat Trans

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|Death surrounds, my heartbeat's slowing down

|Song: Not gonna die, Skillet


Lisa's P.O.V.

Gally and I stumbled on through the halls. I bit my lip, cursing myself for getting wounded. It was slowing us down and it couldn't take long for the guards to raise the alarm.
Then we'd be lost.
While leaning on Gally I tried to walk as fast as I could, but my shoulder hurt every step of the way.
I had to get the bullet out of my arm, but I had to stitch myself up after doing so and I didn't have the right equipment to operate myself here.

We reached the end of the hall and had two options. Take the elevator or the stairs. Gally and I shared a quick glare and knew there was only one real option. The stairs.
And so we started to make our way down, the stolen guns tightly in our hands.

Making our way downstairs was harder than I thought it would be. Every step send a wave of pain through my shoulder. I was biting my tongue not to show my pain but Gally wasn't stupid. He knew I was in pain, but didn't say a word. Because he also knew I hated looking weak.
There was only one more stair to go. I forced back a yelp when we landed on the ground. Gally shot me a glare but I ignored him.

'It should be on this floor,' he said.
I nodded and looked around. The hall looked exactly the same as the one we were just on. White walls, clean floors and bright lights.
'Let's hurry,' I mumbled.

As quick as we could we stumbled through the hall. I looked through every small window on each door, hoping to see Dawn but was disappointed every time. We had almost reached the end of the long white hall when suddenly a high pitched siren echoed through the air. Gally and I looked at each other with panic reflected in our eyes.

'Go!' Gally yelled and we picked up our pace. The bumping of running was hurting my shoulder but I forced the screams down my throat and kept on running. Finally we reached the end of the hall. Frantically I looked around and I breathed out with relief when I saw Dawn through the window on the door.
I gestured to Gally who let me go and kicked in the door.

Quickly we went inside and shut the door behind us. I looked around and took one of the operation tables.
Gally noticed what I was up to and took it out of my hands. He placed the table in front of the door and then turned to me.
'We have to hurry,' he said.

I nodded and ran toward Dawn. She sat in a chair, placed in the middle of the room. Wires were coming out of her arms and one went up into her nose. Blue fluid was floating through it. I felt my stomach shrink as I watched her.
'Dawn, wake up!' I shook her arm.
Her eyes fluttered but didn't open. Gally appeared next to me. 'Lisa, you go operate you arm, I'll wake her up.'
I stared at him for a couple of seconds before nodding and walking away.

Against the wall on the right stood a cupboard with doctor stuff in it. I opened the door and started searching for a needle, disinfectant, bandage, a knife and thread.
Finally I found it all.
As quick as I could I took the sharp knife, cleaned it and started digging in my arm. I couldn't stop the scream from escaping my lips. Coloured spots danced before my eyes and I felt like throwing up.
Just before I thought I would collapse right then and there I managed to push the bullet out.
I bit my lip until I tasted blood and forced my shaking hands to put the disinfectant on the needle and thread it. Then, while taking a deep breath, I pushed the needle in my skin, stitching up the wound. Screams of pain left my mouth. Far away in the distance I heard Gally scream my name. Sweat tickled down my forehead. And then it was over.
While breathing heavily I took the bandage and wrapped my shoulder in it.

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