| Chapter 39, Bleeding out

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|When your eyes are red and emptiness is all you know.

|Song: Bleeding out, Imagine Dragons


Lisa's P.O.V.

I reached down and took the knife from the ground. Far in the distance a familiar voice called my name, but I didn't react, it wasn't important. I had a job to do. My eyes scanned the surroundings, a strange red glow coloring the view, but it wasn't frightning, it was familiar and somewhat safe.
All the Gladers and girls had made it into one of the pods. Except for one Glader who was standing behind me, still calling my name. I ignored him, all I had to do was wait until the right moment.
The thunder hit one of the pods on my right. I heard a scream, but didn't care. Every sound was muffled into the distance, the only thing I could hear clearly was a steady voice, telling me to wait, and that was all that mattered.
Suddenly I was lifted of the ground and thrown over someone his shoulder. The person carried me towards the pods but I wasn't suppose to go there. The voice in my head started screaming, telling me to break loose and my body obeyed. I started kicking around until I hit something. The person carrying me groaned and fell to the ground, me on top of him. I looked right into his face but didn't recognize him. His brown eyes pierced right in mine, desperation drawn all over his face. It did nothing. I didn't feel a thing.
Reaching behind me I pulled the knife out of my belt and held it against his throat.
'Don't ever touch me again,' I hissed.
Putting pressure on the knife a drop of blood appeared. I was about to slit his throat when a sound distracted me.
Jumping up, I stared at the sky, rain pouring down on me. Faint at first, barely audible above the storm, a deep humming sound.
A small smirk appeared on my lips. That was my cue.

Out of the clouds appeared a huge and round machine. With flickering lights and burning thrusters of blue flame. The Berg.
It touched down and a huge metal door in its belly began to open. Our safe haven.
A scream came from behind me. Pods were thrown open, four people took a run towards the machine. Others appeared and ran forwards as fast as they could. Their faces were blurry, didn't matter, I was searching for just one face.

A dark shadow came from the right side of the Berg. Dozens of bulb creatures came stumbling around the corner. They stood right between the Gladers and the door of the Berg. I watched calmly as the Gladers attacked and fought harder than ever against the monsters. Lightning exploded, the rain intensified, wind tore through the air. And I waited.

It didn't even take ten minutes until all the creatures were dead. No orange lights shone. It was over. Relief seemed to radiate off the group but it wasn't over. No, it had only just began. My eyes found the one face I had been looking for the entire time. I raised the knife above my head.

The voice in my head was loud and clear, and so were my orders. I screamed, taking the attention of the group, then I released my knife. It flew through the air in a straight line towards my target.
Her eyes widened, her mouth open with the question on her lips but the knife never reached her.
A scream came out of the group as a blond boy pushed his way forwards, running as fast as his limp allowed him. He reached the girl, took her arm in a firm grip and pulled her to the ground.
It happened in the blink of an eye. They fell down on the ground, the knife flew over her head and hit the boy behind her straight in his chest. Gasps sounded through the group, confused screams louder than the thunder.

A frustrated scream left my lips and I was about to run forwards and kill her with my own hands.
However, before I could move someone took my arm in a firm grip and turned me around. It was the boy from earlier who had tried to take me to a pod.
Anger surged through me, leaving a pain in my chest. I pulled up my knee to hit him in his stomach but he was faster and pushed my leg away. Before I could try to hit him again he pulled me against him and put his lips on mine.

Dizziness took over me as I tried to hold my ground. My insides twisted and I wanted to kill him for touching me but the feeling vanished into thin air when he deepened the kiss. His hands on my back, pulling me against him. And suddenly I felt how desperate he was. He was kissing me to distract me, to pull me out of the mind control and what scared me most in that moment was that it was working...

A headache came up as my body was suddenly fighting with every bit of strength I had left to push Wicked away. My hands curled up against his chest and I gently pushed him away. Swaying on my feet I lost my balance and fell down on my knees in the mud.

A scream, thunder, a red flash. The pain was surging through my head and blinded me. I must've screamed but didn't hear my voice over the thunder. My whole body ached as I screamed at Wicked to leave me alone. Shivering I opened my eyes, the red vision was gone leaving nothing but a painful throb in my head.

'Minho?' I whispered as I noticed the boy kneeling down next to me, his hand on my shoulder to keep me steady. He nodded, his lip quivering but his eyes were determined.
'Why are you crying?' I whispered, the thunder and rain reminding me of his words after I rescued him.
A small smile appeared on his lips, making my chest glow. 'I'm not crying,' he said firmly, but with a smile.
'Sure you're not,' I replied, suddenly feeling exhausted.
He grinned and helped me stand. Stumbling on my feet I held on tightly to his hand. Then my eyes widened as realisation struck me. Something must have changed in my expression because Minho his smile disappeared instantly. I tried to turn around, having to slow down as a dizzy spell hit me.
'Lisa, don't-' Minho started but it was too late. I had already turned around to see the damage I had done.

A little further away from us were the Gladers standing in a circle around a body. The girls kept their distance but seeing their expressions they knew exactly what was going on. Rain poured down and thunder cracked as a small gasp left my trembling lips. Frustrated I pushed my wet hair out of my face and then my eyes found Dawn.
Newt was still standing next to her, his hand still on her arm. She was looking at me, her eyes wide. I knew she would never blame me for what happened but that didn't make me feel any better. Wicked made me try to kill her and if it hadn't been for Newt...
I shook my head, pushing the horrible images away but reality wasn't much better.
Dawn moved aside so I could see right passed her, see the damage I hadn't been strong enough to avoid.

Leon his body lay on the ground, my knife in his chest, he was dead.
I killed him.


Hey guys!

I know it's been a while since I updated but between school starting again and moving out I hadn't really found the time to update. But I'm here to tell you all know that I'm back to my usual updating scedule, which is wednesday and sunday.

Sadly this story is almost over! Only one chapter left to go...but that doesn't mean the journey is over! Book three is coming and a lot of emotional pain is coming with it, I can promise you guys that.

Please let me know your opinions on this chapter because HOLY CRAP LISA AND MINHO KISSED. Who saw that coming? I bet we all did. But did he kiss her because he loves her or because he simply wanted to get her out of Wicked's grip. And does Lisa even remember it? Let me know your thoughts in the comments!

Lots of hugs,



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