Chapter #10

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I caught the bus home & just sat there in deep thought. I had to tell my mom what was going on. But how? I know this isn't going to end good, but I have to get this out of the way. I might end up having to stay in a homeless shelter after today.

I thought about what I was going to tell her. I went over it word for word before I made it to the house. When I got there her car was in the driveway so I walked in, took a deep breath & was ready to break the news to her.

She was sitting on the living room sofa watching Maury. I kissed her cheek then sat next to her.

"Hey mommy."

"Hey baby. Look at this. These little girls are 13 & 14 years old with babies & their moms are acting like it's ok & all the boys fault that their daughter is pregnant. I don't know what I'll do if I ever failed you as a parent & let things like that happen to you." She said staring at the TV.

"Don't worry, you're a great mom no matter what mistakes I make." I smiled then got up leaving her to watch her show. I didn't know how to tell her now after hearing that. I think she would be more hurt than mad at me about it.

I don't want to be the reason my mom cries. I've only seen her cry once & that's when they gave my dad his sentence. I never want to see that again. Plus this time it might be worse.

I pulled out my homework & started doing it in the order of my classes starting with English. After maybe about 2 hours, I finally finished. I was starving. I left my room & walked downstairs into the kitchen & saw that my mom was laid out on the sofa asleep. She works so much to make sure we're ok. I might have just made times worse for the both of us.

I turned off the TV then went into the kitchen for a snack. I made me a Pb&j sandwich, grabbed a glass of apple juice then headed back upstairs. I got a sharp pain in my stomach on my way up causing me to drop my glass on the stairs & wake up my mom.

"Destiny, what's wrong, are you ok?" My mom asked rushing upstairs to my aide.

"Yeah I'm fine, I just tripped." I lied. I was barely able to stand up & tears started running down my face.

"You're not ok Destiny, talk to me."

"I'm ok. I just think I sprang my ankle." I said once again lying. I still didn't have it in me to tell her the truth.

"Stay right here. Let me take this to the kitchen then I'll come help you to your room." She picked up my glass & went down to the kitchen. I got up & walked to my room & got in bed. I didn't want her to see me fake limping into my room & then later questioning me for limping on the wrong ankle.

I thought I told you to wait hard head." She sat on the edge of my bed & sat another glass of apple juice on my nightstand.

"I didn't want to feel like I was making you do too much. You just got off of work & I know you're tired. It's nothing I can still walk. I'll just stay in bed & let my ankle rest." I said half smiling.

I was trying to smile through pain. My stomach was really hurting. I just wanted to eat & then go to sleep.

"Ok. I'll be across the hall if you need me. I'm your mom so don't ever be afraid to ask me for help ok? I'll always be here for you, no matter what." She kissed my forehead then left my room closing the door behind her.

Those words were so reassuring that I almost wanted to just blurt all of my problems out. Instead I just smiled. Maybe things won't be so bad when I do tell her.

I ate my sandwich & drank my juice. I laid down & got comfortable then got on IG. The 1st name I saw when I got on was Ty's. I haven't seen him in almost 2 weeks & I forgot that we were even following each other.

He had posted a picture of him & his girlfriend. He was hugging her from the back & his hand was on her stomach. I felt a little ounce of jealousy looking at that picture, but I can't let that get to me.

I scrolled down a little & read the caption. He tagged her Username & it said

"HACKED! My big baby & I can't wait for our little one to get here. This wasn't planned but now that it's happening, how can I not be excited. I love you daddy! Can't wait until I see you holding your mini me."

"Oh my God. She's pregnant too." I said to myself out loud.

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