Chapter #14

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I wasn't feeling so good. I woke up at 4am because my stomach was hurting. I felt like I had to throw up but nothing would ever come up. I just wish that I could lay in bed all day.

I checked my phone & all of my friends had texted me last night asking me what was I going to do for my birthday. We had just got off of winter break so I haven't saw anyone except for Courtney & that was barely. She spent most of break visiting her dad.

My birthday is on Thursday which is January 7th. I most likely won't be doing anything, but if I do, it'll be during the weekend. I think I just want to stay home though. I really don't want to be around anyone when I don't have to.

I went back to sleep until 6am. When I woke up I was feeling better so I got dressed, did my hair then went downstairs. I had on a really big jacket & was literally planning on keeping it on all day.

Plus we were switching from P.E to health today & I'm so happy.

"Morning baby." My mom spoke upon my entrance into the kitchen.

"Hey mommy." I smiled. "What are you making?" I asked. No matter how tired or over worked she was, she always made sure that she made breakfast & dinner. I hope I be as great as her someday.

"Oatmeal. I hope that's ok. I didn't have time to make anything else. I'm running late." She walked over & kissed my forehead.

"Yeah it's fine. I could've just had cereal."

"Well to late. Have fun at school." She left & I made me a bowl.

I love oatmeal. Since I was kid I would always eat a big bowl of it or 2. Today I wouldn't be able to do that though. The smell was making me want to puke. I'm mad because I really love & want to eat some oatmeal.

Instead I grabbed an apple & a granola bar then left for school. While I was locking the front door, Courtney was walking down the street. 

"Hey bestie." She spoke, stopping & waiting for me.

"Hey." I waved walking to greet her.

"I missed you so much." We exchanged hugs then started walking to the bus stop.

"I missed you too. How was it over your dads?" I asked.

"It was cool. My brother asked about you.?" She smiled.

"Who Vari?" I halfway blushed. I like Vari. I mean I use to. I'm over all crushes after seeing what they can get you into.

"Yeah the ugly one." She laughed. They looked just alike.

"Vari isn't ugly stop. Tell him I said hi. How is he doing anyways?" I asked.

"He's good. He's tall as heck now." She said.

"Really? I thought he was going to be a little midget forever." I joked. We both laughed.

We talked & laughed the rest of the way to the bus stop. When we got there we both noticed Kisha staring our way.

"What the fuck is she looking at?" Courtney snapped.

"Who cares. I still can't believe that she lives over here & we never noticed her before. Do you remember that text I told you about from Miguel?" She nodded. "She sent it. & the other day her, her sister & 2 girls came to my house trying to jump me because she thought that I was messing with Tyreke."

"Why the hell would she think that?"

"She saw Tyreke & Deondre drop Sparkle off at my house & thought he was there with me."

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