Chapter #54

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"Finally. A break." I shouted as I fell out on the bed.

Dior was gone & I was going to get some much needed sleep.

I laid there with my eyes closed until my phone interrupted me dozing off.

I grabbed it, answering it not bothering to see who it was.

"Open the door." I opened my eyes & looked at the name.

"Really? I was trying to sleep." I got up.

"You can sleep after you open the door."

I hung up then walked downstairs & opened the door.

"Hi Dixon." I let him in.

"Don't look like you were sleep to me." He rubbed my head messing up my hair.

"Stop doing that." I kicked him.

"Why you always so violent toward me." He acted like he was about to hit me. "Where's your mom? I'm telling." He laughed.

"She's somewhere, not worried about you." I sat on the couch & turned on the tv. "Why are you here?" I asked.

"Just came to see the kid." He sat with me.

"Well, he's not here."

"Where is he? With Miguel?" He asked disappointedly.

"No. Miguel's at his summer Job. He's with Kayden." I sat back.

"Why do everybody get to keep him, but me?"

"Have you ever asked?"

"No, but I didn't think you'll let me, that's why. So when I ask, you better not say no or we fighting." He snatched the remote out of my hand.

"That's cool. I've been wanting to knock you out for some time now." I gave him a playful smile.

"I'll let you win if that's what you talking about."

"Let me? So you saying that I can't beat you, Dixon?"

"What do you want me to say, no? I think you can beat me?"

"Yes." I laughed.

"I swear you on crack."

"No I'm not. Forget you." I hit him with a pillow. I looked at the tv & stared at it. We were both silent for a few minutes. "Oh. I don't think I told you, but Kayden took a test with Dior."

"So he's his son?"

"We don't know yet. The results should be here in a few days."

"That's cool. At least we one step closer to knowing. Do you want him to be his?" He turned & looked at me.

"I don't even care. I just want to know & move on with my life. Don't you?"

"Don't I what?"

"Want to move on with your life?"

"Yeah, but I wouldn't mind a life with the two of you in it full time."

"That's nice to know." I smirked.

"We gon still be cool if he's not mine?" He asked.

"I guess. Why would you want to be friends with me?"

"Because, I like you." I looked at him. "I'm saying you cool people." He corrected.

"Oh ok. Then we'll see. So are you going to leave now so that I can go to sleep?"

"Nope since you trying to kick me out. I'm chillin right here until King gets back."

"Don't make me call him & tell him to keep him over night."

"Then I'll just stay the night."

"And sleep where?"

"Right here. Why you be acting like I bother you?" He asked.

"Because you do. A lot. You're cool though. You just talk too much mess. Why didn't you bring me anything to eat?" I changed the subject.

"You never asked."

"Well, if your ugly self would have told me you were coming then I would have."

"So, I'm ugly now?" He asked.

"Now?" I smiled. I tried to hold it in, but I couldn't. "You're conceited, you know that?"

"If you looked like me you would be too." He joked.

"Shush." I pushed his arm. "I'm so done talking to you."

I rolled my eyes & sighed when my phone rang. It was Kayden & I wasn't ready for him to bring Dior home yet. I haven't got to get my sleep. I answered it anyways because what if something was wrong.

"Don't tell me he's driving you crazy already." I said into the phone.

"Naw he cool. My mom feeding him right now. You busy?" He asked.

"Not really. Why?"

"Just asking. Have your result paper came yet?"

"I don't know. I thought it wasn't suppose to be here for a few more days?"

"Same. I got mine already though." He got quiet. Why wasn't he saying what the results were so that I could know?

"Oh my goodness. Are you serious? What did they say?" I was really hoping right now that he's his. I mean he must be since he's not rushing to bring him home, right?

"I'll just show you the paper when I get there."

"No Kayden. Tell me now." Dixon looked at me.

"Alright. He's not mine."

I gathered myself together before I responded. That really hurt. I was hoping this was it, so we can be done & over with.

"Oh." My watery eyes let the tears roll down my face. "You can bring him home now. And thank you." Dixon wiped my tears from my face. I laid my head on his chest & waited for Kayden to respond.

"I'm not in any rush. I'll bring him home later. I just want to spend a few more hours with him. Is that cool?" I nodded then said yeah realizing that he couldn't see me.

"Call me when you're on your way."

"Alright. I'm sorry Destiny." He said.

"It's fine. I'll see you later." I ended the call before he said anything else.

"You gon be ok?" Dixon asked.

"No, but I'll get over it." I lifted my head off of him & laid my phone down.

This feels like an episode of Maury. Like all I'm going to keep hearing is "You are not the father" over & over.

~This chapter is just a tad bit short, but oh well ~

~And where are my old readers at? Ya'll was never quiet & showed me so much love that kept me motivated & going. I miss ya'll so much. Pop ya'll booty's up real quick for me.~

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