Chapter #33

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"Well it looks like you were in Labor, but since you are under 37 weeks, you're Doctor thought it'll be best if we stopped it. So you and the baby should be fine. Just take it easy." The nurse said smiling at me, throwing away a needle.

She had given me a shot in my arm. Two actually. I don't know what they were for or what they did, but I know one of them hurt like crazy.

"Thank you." I smiled back then looked at my arm.

"And your Dr. wants you on bed rest until the baby gets here." She said.

"So I have to stay in bed all day?" I asked.

"No." She laughed. "It just means that you have to take it very easy. No long walks, no school, & lots of sitting & Lying down." She said.

"No school?" I asked. That was the best part.

"Not until after the baby is born." She walked out calling my mom & Miguel into the room.

"Hey! How are you feeling?" My mom asked walking over kissing my forehead.

"I'm fine. She stopped the labor." I said.

"Really? They can do that?" She asked shocked.

"I guess so." I shrugged my shoulders.

"Well I'm just glad you & my Mimi baby are ok." She looked at her ringing phone. "I have to take this. I'll be right back." She answered her phone on her way out of the door.

"You ok?" Miguel asked.

"Yeah now." I smiled.

"You was pregnant before?" He asked. I guess he wasn't going to let when my mom said I lost a baby go.

"No. I was pregnant with twins, but I lost one." I said. It was sad, but I would have a hard life if I was to have two babies at my age.

"Why didn't you tell me?" He asked.

"I guess I forgot about it. It wasn't necessarily a happy time of my life & I didn't really want to remember it or even have to talk about it."

"I understand. But that's still something you should have told me."

"I know. Miguel. I'm sorry. Have you talked to your mom?" I asked.

"Yeah. She was going to come up here, but your mom told her that she didn't need to & that she would call her if you were really in labor. That scared me."

"I know right. Same here. But I was ready to meet him or her though."

"You will soon. How long do you have to be here?" He asked.

"I don't know, but I hope I can leave soon. Oh & I can't go back to school." I added.


"They put me on bed rest until the baby gets here. So no standing or walking for long periods & no school. So that means to be good while I'm gone." I joked.

"That sucks. & I'm always good. I'm gon' miss you though." He grabbed my hand.

"Yeah, sure you are. You're at my house all of the time so I bet you're going to miss me a lot." I smiled.

"Shut up." He laughed.

The nurse came back in along with my mom & a note stating why I had to leave school. I'm just glad I was going to be able to sleep all day for the next few months.

"Now if you can get out of bed & walk, then you're free to go." The nurse said.

I don't think I ever got out of bed as fast as I just did. I was so ready to go home.

"I'm ready." I slipped on my shoes then looked at my mom. She had taken another call while in the room & by the look on her face, it looked like a business call.

I didn't bother her. She walked out of the door. Me & Miguel walked out behind her talking. As soon as we sat in the car, we got quiet because she was still on the phone & I was hungry, but I didn't want to be rude & interrupt her while she talked.

I waited a few minutes until she hung up the asked her if she would be ok with taking us to get something to eat. I really want some chicken right now.

"Let me pick up some paperwork from my job, then we can go right after that." She looked at me.

"Ok. That's fine." I pulled out my phone & started texting Sparkle. She was with Deondre so I stopped & let them have their little time together. I decided to text my besties, Gabi, Courtney & Mia. We don't talk as much as we use to & I miss them.

"Are you two coming in?" My mom asked shutting off the car.

"No it's ok. We'll wait here." Truth is. I didn't want any of her co workers seeing me pregnant.

After she walked into the building, I got out of the car to stretch.

"What's wrong." Miguel asked getting out of the car also.

"Nothing. Just stretching." I leaned against the car & looked around. It's been such a long time since I've been up here. I use to love coming with my mom to work. All of her co workers were so nice & would always give me candy.

"Ok now lets go get your greedy butt something to eat." She approached the car with a folder in her hand. She stopped when a car pulled up & then smiled. "Is that Andrea? Yeah, that's her." She said once the woman got out of the car.

"Denise? What are you doing here? I thought you had today off?" She met my mom around the car & they gave each other a friendly hug.

"I'm never off. But I had some paperwork to pick up." She looked at the folder she had in her hand.

"Oh my God, is that Destiny?" She asked looking at me then straight down to my stomach.

"Yeah that's her. Des, say hi."

"Hi." I smiled. I hated when my mom did that. She knows I hate talking to people I don't know.

"She's grown so much." She placed her hand on my stomach. "You know I might be a grandma again soon." She looked over at my mom. "How many months are you?" She asked me.

"7." I answered. I felt awkward so I looked around then spotted a familiar face sitting in the passenger seat of her car. She noticed where my eyes were then looked back & smiled.

"Oh that's my son." She tapped on the window. He looked up from his phone & straight at me. "Come here." She called.

My heart felt like it was about to stop.

"That's your son?" My mom asked.

He walked around the car smiling.

"Yes. This my oldest, Dixon. Dixon this is my co-worker & her daughter & her friend."

"I know her. How you doing Destiny."

"Hi." I spoke then grabbed on to Miguel's arm & looked away. Why did he only speak to me like I was the only one out here?

"Ya'll know each other?" His mom asked.

"Yeah. This the girl I told you about, that I might have a baby on the way with."

"Are you serious?" She looked at her son shocked & then looked at my mom. "Denise, it looks like we need to talk."

"Yes we do."

~Thank you all loyal readers. I love Ya'll life :)~

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