Chapter #46

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"He's so gorgeous." I smiled & stared at my son. He was just so cute & tiny. I didn't want to let him go.

"He handsome, not gorgeous." Miguel smiled at me.

"Shush Miguel." I smiled back.

"Destiny, you have a visitor." My mom said entering my room. I thought that she went to get me something to eat, but I guess not.

"Who is it?" I asked. I was hoping it was Courtney, Mia or Gabi honestly.

"Hey." Dixon spoke before my mom said who he was.

"Hey Dix." I spoke. I was glad he came to see Dior. He nodded what up to Miguel then walked over & gave me a short hug then looked at King.

"Man, he little." He continued to stare at him. "So do we take test today or what?" He asked.

"No. We'll have to set up appointments. I hope to get this over with soon too." I looked over & my mom & Dixon's mom, Andrea were standing & talking, not paying us any mind.

'What's this?" I asked looking at the bag Dixon was holding.

"Stuff for the baby. It's just a stuffed animal & Onesies. Nothing big." He sat the bag on the bed.

"It's fine. He doesn't need anything big. The stuffed animal would've been enough. Thank you Dixon." While I was pregnant, Dixon got on my nerves the most, but he is so sweet, sometimes.

"No problem. What's his name?" He asked

"King Dior. But I'm going to call him Dior." I looked at my baby then back up at Dixon. I was trying to see if I saw a resemblance. I honestly couldn't tell. He was too young right now. As I got ready to talk the door opened. again & all heads turned.

"Hi." Nicole smiled walking in coming straight over to hug me.

"Hi. I thought you had to work." I said hugging her back.

Work can wait. I wasn't going to go there before seeing my baby again." She hugged her son then took Dior from me. He looks so much like Miguel's baby pictures." No one said anything. I think I was the only one happy to hear that.

"Really?" I asked happily.

"Well, I gotta go. My mom has to pick my sister & nephew up. She said to tell you hi too." He gave me a fake smile "I'll see you later." He hugged me then him & his mom left.

"Oh I'm sorry. Was he?" Nicole asked.

"Yeah." Miguel said laughing. I hit his arm.

"It's fine. He knows the possibilities." I watched Nicole & Miguel interact with Dior.

All he did was sleep. I have yet to see my baby with his eyes open. He's only been in this world for 7 hours but I would still like to see his eyes.

He was 7lbs even. He's 19 inches long so I think he's going to be short. He has a head full of hair & all of his fingers & toes. He's just so perfect.

I laid back while they held Dior. I was going to try to sleep but Miguel was talking to me & my phone wouldn't stop ringing. I didn't want to answer it because all of my friends & family knows that I'm in the hospital so they can either come up here to see me or leave me alone, because I'm exhausted.

I grabbed it from the table next to my bed to see who it was. It was Marshun.

"Hello." I answered.

"What up? Why the fuck you not answering yo phone? Something wrong, you alright?" Marshun asked sounding worried.

"Yes I'm fine, I'm in the hospital." I looked over at Miguel who was looking at me while I talked.

"You fine but you in the hospital. What happened this time Destiny? I told you to call me for anything." He said.

"I know. & I'm ok. I had the baby." Dior started crying in the background then the phone went silent. "Are you there?" I waited for a reply.

"I'm here. What hospital you at & what is it?" He asked in a calm tone.

"He's a boy & I'm at Valley Hospital."

"A boy? Damn. I'll be up there in a minute." He hung up before I responded. I sat up & looked over at Miguel.

"I think he's on his way up here."

I was happy he was coming, but I didn't really want to see him while everyone was here. But I can't lie & say I can't wait for him to finally meet Dior.

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