Chapter #22

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I ran out crying. I knew something was going to go wrong. I knew it was just a matter of time until people found out, but why did it have to be this way & why so soon?

Miguel ran out chasing behind me. I was almost out of the building & heading home. When he caught up to me he stopped me by grabbing my arm.

"Des wait. Where you going?" He asked.

"Home. Let me go please." I sniffed.

"You walking?"

"Yep." I snatched out of his grip then started back walking.

"Wait up, I'll walk with you." He followed me off of school grounds.

"What for? I know my way home."

"Because you shouldn't walk by yourself & right now it really looks like you can use a friend. Plus, we need to talk."

"I don't need friends, I'm fine by myself. And since you want to talk, how about you start by telling me why you said it's yours? I don't need you to protect me Miguel."

"But I was telling the truth."

"What do you mean? What truth?" I stopped & looked at him.

"About the baby being mine. It might be."

"Might? So what are you saying?" I wiped my face. I was really hoping he wasn't about to say what I think he was about to say.

He went ahead & told me everything I've been wanting to know for so long. I just couldn't believe it. How could he go so long without telling me? I thought he was my friend. I would have never thought that Miguel was that type of person. Never.

"So.. You raped me? Then you tried to be my friend after you screwed up my life? What kind of person does that? You're just as bad as your cousin. I hate you." I slapped him the walked off.

"Des come here I'm sorry. I didn't rape you. Why would you even say that?" He caught up to me trying to stop me, but I wouldn't let him touch me.

"Because you said you did." I yelled. "You, your cousin, & your stupid friends. Now can you stop following me? I don't like you or want to have anything to do with you."

"I never said I raped you. You never said no. You let me do it. You let everyone do it."

When he said that I stopped.

"I didn't let anyone do anything to me. Does it look like I would do things like that? You & Ty & Whoever else was there took advantage of me after Ty drugged me. How dare you sit here & say I let you? I don't even remember what happened that night or anyone's face, but you think I let them do this to me?" I cried. "Don't even answer that. Just leave me alone." I continued my walk home.

"I didn't know you was drugged. I didn't even know how old you was. I was a virgin & you seemed to be ok with letting me hit so I did. If I knew you were drugged I would never have touched you, I promise. I wouldn't even had let it happen. I like you. I liked you when I saw you at the party, still liked you when I saw you at your cousins & even when I first saw you here. I know I should have said something, but I thought that might have been an embarrassing conversation so I just left it alone. Plus I enjoyed getting to know the real you."

"I blacked out during the whole thing. How could you not know I was drugged?"

"I mean you seemed drunk but not out of it. It was a party & people was drinking so I thought you got drunk & freaky. Not to be funny."

"Ugh leave me alone please. That stuff you told me is something I'll never do."

"I know that now. What can I do though? If I could rewind time & stop it, I would. But all I can do is say I'm sorry & be here for you. You're pregnant & I might be the dad. I promise I'll be here for you. Even if you hate me."

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