Chapter #13

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"Why is it so cold in here?" Sparkle asked.

"My mom turned off the heat. She talking about her electricity bill getting high & not to touch it." I lied. "Do you want a blanket?" I asked.

"No. I'll just share with you." She came over to sit with me.

"No you can't. I'm way to cold to share." I laughed. "I'll get you one."

I got up & went upstaris still wrapped up in my blanket. I brought one down to her then laid across the sofa & faced the tv.

"So you don't like Ty anymore?" She asked. I looked at her. Why was she asking me about him. I don't want to hear his name.

"No. Over him. He has a girlfriend & I don't need or want the drama in my life. Why'd you ask me that?"

"Oh ok. Just asking. I figured maybe you moved on & have a new crush?" She folded her legs & looked at me smiling like she was waiting for me to spill.

"Nope. Just doing me." I know she was referring to Miguel. I think I talked about him to much when I talked to her.

"Ok." She looked away. "You heard that his girlfriend is pregnant?" She asked.

"Yeah. I saw it on Instagram."

"She couldn't wait to brag online. There is nothing cute about being a teen mom. Plus he don't care about her anyways. She's going to be a teen mom & single. Probably before she even has her baby."

"I guess she'll have to learn the hard way." I said mainly referring myself.

"I guess so. Couldn't be me. I'll Kill De if I got pregnant. I'm not about to ruin my life before it gets started. Then he might not even be a good dad." She went on & on about that.

I stopped listening after a while & started thinking. She was making me feel real bad. Everyone was being so harsh about young girls with babies when it's not always our fault. I had no one to tell or talk to about this because everyone was just going to judge me & make me feel like crap.

I felt like crying, but I wasn't going to let any tears fall.

"Are you hungry or thirsty?" I asked getting up going into the kitchen for a drink.

"No I'm ok. Thank you though."

I grabbed me a bottle of water & some grapes & rinsed them off. While I was cleaning them my phone started ringing.

"Your phone ringing." Sparkle yelled making sure I knew.

"Answer it, please." I only told her to answer it because I thought it might've been my mom or Courtney. I finished cleaning my grapes, put them in a bowl then walked back into the livingroom.

"Here you go." She handed me my phone before I got a chance to sit down. I took it & took a seat. I looked at the screen & there was no number. It just said private.

"Who is this?" I popped a grape in my mouth.

"It's Miguel. Why are you ignoring my calls & text? Can you let me explain what happened?"

"No & I don't care now bye." I hung up & finished eating my grapes.

"What's going on with ya'll? Why you being so mean?" She asked sitting next to me stealing a grape.

"Because I don't like him that's why."

"Could of fooled me. What happened?" She asked.

"This happened." I showed her the text he sent me the other day calling me easy & a hoe.

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