Chapter #26

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Dixon POV

I was real nervous right now. But what can I do? I know fasho I'm not ready to be a daddy right now, but this my mistake. If it's mine.

"There's nothing to talk about." She blankly said.

"Looks like there's a lot to talk about.." I looked down at her stomach. "Can you stop so we can talk." I grabbed her by her arm.

"Don't touch me." She yelled as she reached over & tried to slap me.

"Yo chill out. I'm just trying to talk to you, damn." I had quickly dodged it, barely getting out of the way. I'm glad I have fast reflexes.

"I told you there's nothing to talk about. What part of that do you not understand?"

I can hear in her voice she was hurt. I know she going through it as a teen mom. I know because my sister went through the same thing.

"I'm sorry this happened to you." I said trying to let her see that I was a good guy.

"Ok. Are you finished?"

"Naw." I laughed. "You stubborn as shit ain't you. What was yo name again, Destiny?" I asked walking along side her. She didn't respond she just gave me the side eye then wiped a tear.

"How old are you?" I asked.

"I'm 13. Oh but I was 12 when ya'll did this to me." She folded her arms.

"I didn't know that. I thought you was the same age as me or older. I'm 14 by the way."

"That's nice." She paused. "So like, why are you still talking to me? I already said that there's nothing we need to talk about. My baby isn't yours, it's Miguel's & that's that."

"Alright. I was just trying to do my part. I wasn't trying to piss you off or nothing like that. I just wanted to let you know that if it is mine, I do want to be in its life. Do you know what it is?" I know I was getting on her nerves with all this talking but I sometimes do that when I'm nervous.

"Don't worry about it. Didn't I say it's not yours?"

"How do you know that? When the baby get here can I at least get a test?"

"NO." She yelled. "Stop talking to me & leave me alone."

"I stopped in my tracks & watched her walk into the distance. I wasn't about to force her to acknowledge me as a possible dad. If she didn't want me to be there then I just won't be there, but she can't say I didn't try.

Destiny's POV

I walked home in tears as I finished my short walk home alone. I didn't mean to tell him no about taking a test, but I was irritated to the max & every word that left his mouth was making matters worse.

I called Miguel a few times before I walked into the house, but he didn't answer. I hate that I said what I said to him & I understand that he was unaware, but the thought of it just makes me so mad. Why do that to anyone?

Since he wasn't answering, I decided to send him a text. After that I didn't worry about him the rest of the day. I needed some time to myself anyways. I needed to think.

I walked into the house & went upstairs straight into the bathroom. I ran a warm bubble bath then got my clothes ready while the tub filled up. I put on some music & sat my phone on the bathroom counter then sat in the water.

I laid my head back & closed my eyes. It feels like I haven't been comfortable in months. I placed my hand on my stomach & rubbed it. I wanted to feel the baby move but it wouldn't do anything. I guess it's somewhere curled up sleeping.

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