Ghosts vs. Houses (edited)

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Peeking open an eye, I looked around for red horns and blazing hellfire. Everything seemed the same as before; alleyway walls, a confused Marcus with a gun pointed at me. Confused, I opened my eyes completely and glanced around. Was I alive?

The goons struggled as they tried to drag a limp body out of the alley. To my surprise, a black van had pulled up next to them, doors sliding open. Where had the body come from? It wasn't Marcus's body. He stood, facing me.

"What the fuck?" I asked, staring at the butt of the limp body. Something was familiar about that ass. Hold on. Those jeans. That ass. That was my butt.

How did my ass migrate over there when I was still standing in front of the boy in the blue hoodie?

Max looked up at me. "What the fuck?" He asked, repeating my prior question as his eyes began looking between me and the body in the goons' arms.

I threw my hands up into the air. "Great question, but I asked first! So answer my question!" I demanded.

I gasped as I noticed something else out of the ordinary. My height changed. I was as tall as Marcus's nose before he shot me. Now I was eye level with him. Did impending death make a person grow taller? I don't remember ever feeling this far away from the ground before. I glanced down at my feet, almost as if checking that they were standing on a box. To my horror, my feet weren't touching the ground at all.

"I'm floating? When did this happen?" I murmured to myself. My body and limbs shone white and slightly transparent.

Max yelled something resembling a battle cry and quickly shot several bullets through me. "This wasn't supposed to happen!" He looked frantically at the men who continued to force my body into the back of the van. "How on earth do we deal with a ghost witness!?"

Fuck. Uh. How does one deal with a ghost witness? Do ghosts even have rights in court? I don't think so.

"Explain. Now." I motioned to my form and hovered closer to Max. He flinched as my ghostly figure approached him. I could only imagine how surreal I must look at this moment.

"So, I kinda have this power and shot you with a dart containing my DNA so that I could possess your body?" He seemed unsure how to word it. His air of intimidation vanished into thin air. "Your soul was supposed to squash farther into your body as I possessed you, not eject completely!" He fiddled with the gun in his hand, now aware that it would do him no good. He motioned to the weapon, "I haven't done any permanent damage to your real body."

"Oh yes, as if that makes everything better! You shot me to possess me!" I sighed as a gust of wind traveled through me and moved me away from Marcus. "I know I have a great body, but you don't have to steal it to make a point!" I growled. I was on the verge of impatience, and my ghostly body was crackling with electricity.

Max tapped his foot, glancing behind at the van. My body was entirely inside the vehicle; face smashed ungraciously against a window. I looked at it for a moment more as drool started traveling out of the mouth and down the window. Max shrugged helplessly and turned to leave.

"Woah! You're not getting away that easy!" I growled, reaching out a hand. I grabbed his shoulder, stunned for a moment as my hand went through him.

"We will send someone to find and contain you eventually." Max continued to walk away and quickly stepped into the passenger side door of the van. In less than a second, it slammed shut, tires squealing as it lurched forward.

I tried to move my legs, intent on running after the car. My body didn't budge, merely crackling as I floated there. "Come on! You moved before!" I growled to my ghostly figure. My body responded by drifting further into the alley, pushed by another gust of wind.

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