Professional Supervillain

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Chapter 20- Yeah you're that far in the story.

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Author out-

Ahsper P.O.V.

"So, you're locking me up?" I walked behind Marcus, examining the walls and lights as we went. The pink was starting to get on my nerves. It was on literally every wall and ceiling in the compound.

"No. We're locking Cooper up so you'll cooperate." Marcus paused next to a door and angrily punched a code into a keypad.

11919. I needed to remember that code. Just in case.

I nodded. "Right. You're blackmailing me into stuff. I forgot. So, what am I going to be doing?"

Marcus hesitated. "You're going to become a professional villain."

"A what?" I asked as Marcus pushed open the door. He paused, entry slightly ajar, to explain.

"Professional Villain. Don't worry; you'll get paid for all your work here. Here's how this works: the government gives you a specific mission like, say, robbing a bank. You make a dramatic entrance, steal the goods, and make a dramatic exit in front of cameras. Red Chrysan swoops in and nearly catches you while saving tons of innocent people, therefore reinforcing the need for Super Heroes. Every time you successfully come back from a mission, we'll allow you and Cooper to spend the next day together, outside of the compound. Every time you fail a mission, Cooper gets stabbed. Runaway, and we'll kill him. Oh, and you get paid."

I gasped. "You're kidding me! An entire day together outside the compound? AND I get paid? That's great!"

"Did the entire Professional Supervillain thing go over your head? What about the killing Cooper part?" Marcus ushered me into the room.

Thankfully this one didn't have the pink walls. It was a neutral tan color, a giant window on the far wall, and a bookcase near the bed. The bed was neatly made, and a door was open, showing a bathroom. A tan dresser sat in a corner.

"Yeah, I'm not against being a supervillain. It looks cool on TV, and I can't wait to be in a car chase!" I bounced on the balls of my feet, feeling the need to explain further. "You know how every little girl dreams of being a hero?" I asked.

Marcus nodded.

"I never wanted to be a hero." I bit my lip, looking around. I refused to meet Marcus's gaze.

Marcus stared at me hesitantly. "What did you always want to be?"

"A professional asshole," I replied automatically. "It's the same thing as being a Supervillain.

Marcus sighed. "I can't get a serious answer out of you, can I?"

I gaped at him. "That was a serious answer. I wanted to be hired to ruin people's day. Paid to park behind them and make them late for work. Paid to throw water balloons at them on their way an event. Run in and ruin a couple's date that's not going well. Stick marshmallows all over their car on a sweltering day. I always wanted to be a paid asshole. Supervillains do that, but their asshole-ness is larger scale than what I was thinking."

We walked into the room, stopping in the middle.

Marcus glanced at me thoughtfully. "That's a well thought out answer. I was not expecting that. I'll see if your assigned tasks can be tasks that make you seem like an asshole." He glanced around the room before seemingly remembering himself. "Right, on to business. This is your room. You're free to come and go as you please. Please no haunting the halls. You are to pick up your mobile cell phone when it rings without being a snarky jackass. The code for the door is 11919."

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