One Hell of a Villian

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"Ahsper, what are they making you do?" Cooper asked from the other side of the phone.

I shrugged and suppressed a smile. "Oh, hey Cooper! I didn't think they'd put you on the phone! They haven't hurt you yet, have they?"

"Ahsper, this is their threat, remember? They haven't hurt me yet but they might. Now, what are they trying to get you to do?" His voice sounded strained.

"Yeah, they want me to blow up the white house," I said casually.

"What the actual frick frack?!" Cooper exclaimed. "Why did you agree to do that?"

"I know, right! Isn't it exciting? I've wanted to do this for years!" I exclaimed into the microphone.

"Ahsper, if you're going to do it, why did you demand a phone call to me?" Cooper sounded tired and scared.

"I wanted to ask you to watch my live stream politely. My acting skills are on point, and I think you'll appreciate this!" I laughed slightly. "Besides, I get to control my body for this one! I want you to watch me in my moment of triumph! The Whitehouse has needed cleansing ever since the Cheeto puff Trump got out of office!"

"Ahsper," Cooper groaned. "There are people out there who like what Trump did. Most of the people in this building like what Trump did. They're government people, remember?"

"Oh? Can you tell them that their political opinions suck? Just as a quick favor since I can't be there right now? Please?"

"Ahsper, you're on speaker phone. The entire compound can hear you." Cooper sighed heavily. I could almost taste the disappointment in his voice.

"Oh, heyyyyy everyone!" I laughed into the phone. "Well, I gotta go. Marcus isn't convinced I know the script. Apparently "blah blah blah, politics" isn't in it." I laughed before hanging up.

"Ahsper, are you sure you've got this?" Marcus handed me the selfie stick with a GoPro mounted on it.

I nodded seriously. "Let's go blow shit up."

The WhiteHouse was the one building you'd never imagine as abandoned. Creepy was the only word to describe the dark halls and paintings on the walls.

The entire building had been evacuated for this plan. Yeah, the government organized the whole thing and wanted me to blow up this place. Crazy, right?

Marcus let me into the building and brought me to a room with a desk and American flags. The oval office?

Marcus motioned to the GoPro and gave me a countdown.

"3... 2... 1... Stay on the script."

I pushed a button on the selfie stick and tilted my head.

"Hello, world." I placed the cockiest grin on my face. "You know where this is, right?" I spun around to give them an unobstructed view. Marcus ducked under the desk to avoid being in the video. "That's right; we're in the Whitehouse! You know why I'm in the white house?" I paused for a moment, adding an ounce of dramatic effect.

"This place signifies everyone who tries to suppress us. This place signifies everything we're fighting against. This flag doesn't signify freedom anymore; it signifies oppression of the minorities!" I leaned in close to the camera as if I were about to share a dirty little secret. "So, that's why I'm going to blow it up." I grinned sadistically. "I'm tired of being suppressed, aren't you? Let's fight for our freedom."

I paused, "Oh, and don't worry, no human lives are at stake here. I'm not as bad as them. I'm not a killer. They are, though. Think of all the Supers they've killed to make a statement. I'm only blowing up a building to make a statement. Who is truly the bad guy here?" I tilted my head at the camera. "Keep an eye out on the news for me." I winked and pressed the button on the end of the selfie stick to turn it off.

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