Meeting the Big Bad Boss

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Cooper lived in a house with a mile-long driveway. Total pain in the ass to get the mail if you ask me.

You know the best part of the mansion, though?

Yeah, me neither. It's way too big to find and chose the best part of the entire building. I think we explored most of it as kids, but I've never been inside every room. I'm pretty sure their basement is a labyrinth too.

It's also incredibly confusing on the inside, with the halls and guest rooms, like the one we were in right now. 

"Ahsper, you're making me look bad," Marcus whined. The last hour was a non-stop torture session of complaints.

"Ughhhh! I am not joining you until I meet your boss!" I threw the nearest pillow at him.

He grinned and glanced knowingly at Cooper for a moment. Cooper glanced back with a secret bro code that I would never understand. Marcus turned back to me, a huge toothy smile plastered on his face. "That can be arranged."

Cooper shifted uncomfortably under Marcus's knowing gaze.

"He'll be here in-" Marcus looked at his watch. "-5 minutes."

Cooper edged toward the door. I glanced at him, raising an eyebrow. "What's wrong, Cooper? Don't tell me you're afraid."

Cooper shook his head. "Uh, no. I, uh, forgot something important." He inched toward the door, fingers brushing his pocket.

"What did you forget?" I picked up the second nearest pillow, sitting on the bed in contentment.

"I, uh, need to flat iron my cat?" He fumbled for words.

"Flatiron?" I raised my eyebrow even higher.

"I meant blow dry." He corrected himself.

A snort escaped my nose. "You'd have to get a cat wet to blow dry it."

He was mostly out the door, nervously fidgeting. "Yeah. I'm going to go wash my cat." He turned and bolted down the hall. I glared at him.

"Good luck with that! You don't have a cat, you moron!" I yelled at him. I turned my gaze on Marcus. "You going to help him wash the imaginary cat?"

Marcus shook his head. "I- uh- sure? Yeah! We'll use that excuse! I'm going to go help him blow dry his cat." Marcus turned and bolted out of the room. I flopped onto the bed. It smelled weird.

Strange rooms always have a particular smell.

You know that smell. Yeah, That smell.

A knock came from my window, and I leaped for my bag. I scrambled to find the cold metal of the gun as the window opened.

"Put the bag down. There's no need for you to get your gun." A familiar voice greeted me. I turned to look as he closed the window.

I swear I know that ass. I know Red Chrysan's ass from somewhere. I think I do, at least. I'm good at remembering butts and not much else.

I stared blankly at him as he walked over to me. "So." He trailed off, unsure of what to say. His foot tapped on the ground as he looked around the room.

A long silence passed. I counted the seconds. 92 seconds of silence.

That could be a band name!

"So? Uh, come here often?" I broke the awkward stillness in the room, setting down my bag. I pushed it away, keeping it at arm's length. "Or are you here to bug this room too?"

Red Chrysan paused, awkward in the middle of my room. "So, you found it."

"Kinda hard to miss. You weren't very well doing my homework, now were you?" I sat on the carpet and crossed my arms like a child. "You planted a listening device in my room. So not cool."

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