The Purge

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The Swat Team surrounded the casino. Civilians were being checked for personal ID's as they exited or entered.

The man's eyes thoroughly searched my fake ID as I entered their perimeter. "I'm here to watch the purge." I winked at the man, and he nodded. Handing me back my fake ID, he allowed me through the barrier.

I quickly parked, looking at the building.

I gasped in horror as trained combat specialists decided from the roof, breaking windows and tossing smoke bombs inside.

They were flushing our people out like rodents. 

I stepped out of the car, looking in horror as one of them began pulling a limp body out of the window, scaling down the building with it.

Someone tapped me on the shoulder. I whirled around, eyes wide."Great, isn't it? Those pesky Supers will be eradicated. The world will be human once again." The elderly man grinned at me.

I stood still, aghast at his words. I voiced the only question that made sense. "Sir, do you think humanity's survival is threatened by Supers?"

He shook his head. "No, my dear. This is all for the aesthetic of a completely human race." He grinned at me with his fake teeth, leaning heavily on his cane as he walked away. "Enjoy the festivities! Tomorrow morning will be a little bit brighter!"

I looked back up at the building where the combat specialists were pulling the Supers out of the windows, lowering them to the ground. All of them were cuffed and loaded into a giant Semi truck immediately. Everything was in perfect order; there was no escape for the prisoners. 

I looked around in a rush for my friends. I didn't see Red Chrysan, Cooper, or Marcus anywhere. Something churned in my gut. If they weren't being taken alive, did that mean they're dead?

I heaved my body onto the roof of the car, standing up for a better view. Maybe I could find Red Chrysan and Cooper in the crowd. Maybe they'd gotten out and been safe somewhere.

I spotted a brown and red suit coming through the front double doors of the casino. I gasped, mouth going dry as he heaved himself through the shattered glass.

No, no, this couldn't be happening. 

A cop passed in front of my field of view. I closed my eyes and held my breath. Perhaps it would be an illusion.

Fear drove me to open my eyes again. Red Chrysan was covered in blood, bruised and beaten beyond belief. That worried me slightly, but not as much as the limp, half-dead Cooper hanging in his arms.

My vision latched onto on the limp body. Something morbid inside myself kept me from looking away. Bile rose to my throat. I couldn't seem to get enough air, but at the same time, I was choking on it.

Blood. Crimson blood. Cooper's blood. It stained Cooper's shirt and dripped to the floor with every step Red Chrysan took. The gash across his chest was bad. Tormentingly bad.

I heaved on the roof of the car, my stomach trying to empty and my hopes drained along with my energy. This wasn't how it was supposed to end.  

Cooper's eyes rolled back in his head. Agents swarmed towards Red Chrysan and Cooper. Rage and terror fueled me. An inhuman scream came from my throat as I launched myself off the roof of the car.

A human passerby looked at me with curiosity but did nothing to stop me as I charged towards Red Chrysan and Cooper.

I pushed Swat team members aside on reflex, hurling myself at Red Chrysan and Cooper. Hands tried to retain me, slipping off my arms and clothes. It was almost as if I, myself, was covered in blood. 

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