The leader of a Revolution

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Heavily edited- entire story takes plcae in Colorado. 

Please alert me if I suddenly say Las Vegas becasue this is a heavily edited chapter. 

Ahsper P.O.V.

You know the feeling after you've just woken up from a nap, have no idea what day it is, where you are, or even who you are? The feeling of dense fog in your brain where you can't remember and everything is scattered.

Yep. That's how I feel.

Eyes closed, I felt every bump in the road. I was barely awake, just on the edge of conscientiousness.

 "I will murder you," I mumbled, shifting slightly in the car. "You can't have my cookie, Satan."

A hand moved to my head, playing with my hair. "Shh. You're OK Ahsper. Satan does not want your cookie." Someone whispered. They continued to glide their fingers through my hair in a calming motion.

"Fucking Satan. Fucking cookies." I muttered. Conscientiousness was rising slowly in my brain. I blinked my eyes open, yawning. Through the fuzziness, I glanced sideways at Red Chrysan who had just retracted his hand. "Where are we?" I asked through another yawn.

Red Chrysan laughed. "Um, Colorado?" He shrugged and pointed out the window of the car to the trees and mountains. 

I glanced back at Red Chrysan, getting my bearings. "When are we?" I tilted my head. I wasn't sure about the time frame, but we weren't anywhere near downtown Denver, Colorado.

"You've been asleep for," He glanced up at Cooper who sat in the passenger seat, "three days? We've mad a few detours along the way, but have made it to Ute Mountain Reservation."

I nodded sleepily. "Why are we going to Ute Mountain Reservation?" I asked, wiping the crusty tears away from my eye.

"We're not going there. We are there. Besides, there's a faction of people who are following you. We're going to start a revolution." Marcus supplied from the driver's seat of the car.

I glanced at him momentarily. "Who let him drive? I thought he was duct taped in the back of the car."

Red Chrysan pointed at Cooper, quickly shifting the blame. Cooper released a heavy sigh and shrugged. "To be fair, he's trustworthy."

"Kidnapping me and using you as blackmail is so trustworthy." I sarcastically agreed. "Yep, 100% trustworthy."

A long pause settled on the conversation. Why was I feeling a thick tension in the car? What went down while I was asleep?

Breaking the silence, I decided to get more information about our current situation. "Who's idea was it to go find the faction or whoever we're going after?"

Red Chrysan gingerly raised his hand. "Yeah, that was my idea."

I nodded slowly. "Well, it's a terrible idea for us to start a revolution, but I'll go along with it." I glanced back out the window. "What happened after I passed out?"

I could feel Red Chrysan's stare on the back of my neck. "You slept for three days. Your selfie went viral. Now the oppressed supers look up to you, and there's been riots and demands for equality."

I whirled around. "It went viral!? No fracking way!"

"35 million views." Marcus supplied from the front seat. "That many views in 3 days are a pretty successful selfie!"

"Oh, fuck. I'm famous now." I leaned back in my seat to think. "Ok, supposing I went along with being the poster child for the revolution," I muttered, "I'd need to woman up and be a leader. People are looking up to me. The government is prepared to kill us. We're all going to die unless we do this right." I shifted and pulled uncomfortably at my seatbelt.

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