queer supervillain queens

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"Cooper, are you sure this will work?" I asked, cross legged in the middle of the kitchen. Cooper lit the 5th candle, eyes glimmering in the dark.

"Yeah. I saw it on an episode of supernatural once." He took a step back, opening his arms and looking at the ceiling.

"Oh god, I'm going to die." I groaned, closing my eyes. The pentagram was stark white against the dark wood of the floor. The only light in the room came from the candles and the cracks through the curtains.

"Ad ligandum eos partier eos coram me" Cooper started to say.

The front door swung open, light filling the room. Someone at the entrance fumbled with the lights.

"Ahsper! We're home!" My mom called. He placed his bags down at the door, wandering his way into the living room and over to the kitchen. He flipped the light switch, gasping as he saw the circle. "Honey! Come quick! The kids are summoning a demon! We need to get in on this!" He yelled through the house. 

A muffled "yes honey" came from the front door.

I opened my eyes and stared around the kitchen. Since when was this a demon summoning circle? I thought this was a way to get my body back.

I glared at Cooper. His hands were up in a defensive position.

"You said this would help me get my body back, not summon a demon," I moved so that I was floating higher above the circle. I was staring down at him, menacing in all my ghostly glory.

Cooper swallowed thickly. "I was going to have the demon retrieve your body?"

I nodded. "Yea, because one demon in this household isn't enough. You wanted me and another demon! Was I not enough? You whore."

"Technically you're a ghost, not a demon. I'm just completing the set!" Cooper turned and flicked the lights back off. "You're only a demon on your period."

I looked around the kitchen. Mom was gone. Probably to get his demon summoning kit or the haunted sword from our basement.

"Where'd your dad go?" Cooper asked. 

"Mom." I corrected him.

"I'm baaacccckkkk!" Mom hollered as he swept into the kitchen, wearing a black cloak. "Ready to do the ritual, kids?" I wasn't surprised to see a machete in his hands. 

"Honey, let the kids do their spell in peace!" Dad said, pulling him by the shoulder. "We need to unpack. Souvineers for Ahsper, remember? We need to show them off at dinner!"

I glanced at them and then over at the mini calendar on the fridge. They weren't supposed to be home for 12 more days. "Mom? Dad? What are you doing home so soon?" I asked, floating out of the circle. Cooper groaned, motioning helplessly to the ruined spell.

"Well, we saw you on the news! Who knew you would turn out to be a supervillain! Why didn't you tell me?" Mom floundered, tripping over his black cloak. Dad helped him up, smiling at his flamboyant husband.

"It wasn't intentional, I swear!" I laughed suddenly. "Some idiot stole my body!"

"Oh, don't be modest! Supervillain overnight is quite the accomplishment! We decided to come support you! It takes a lot of motivation and willpower to become a supervillain!" Dad laughed. "But, it seems you have all the support you need, summoning demons with Cooper and whatnot."

"Besides, the people there didn't believe we were a couple! Who knew Vegas could be so homophobic? And then when we saw you on the news, none of them believed you were our daughter!" Mom laughed, allowing dad to escort her out of the kitchen. "We tried to tell them! We really did!"

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