Pizza and Spite Got Me Over the Fence

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"Please tell me that she's not stuck like this," Marcus sat next to Cooper on the couch. "She's supposed to be the comedy relief, not the brains."

"Bro, she'll be at this until she shimmers down or she gets pizza. You'd better start ordering." Cooper laughed. He watched me with an amused gaze as I drew a detailed diagram.  

Marcus raised an eyebrow in speculation. "There's no way I'm ordering a pizza for her."

"Then all we have to do is kill Marcus and his boss! Expose them and kill them!" I exclaimed, taking a step away from my diagram. It was complete with rocket launchers, flamethrowers, TNT, and other destroying substances.

"Hello? Yes. I'd like one large pizza." Marcus stood up, his phone pressed against his ear. He walked a few paces away from the couch. I placed my red crayon on the ground, standing up.

Cooper and I suppressed our grins.

The truth is that I calmed down a while ago. I was driving Marcus crazy out of pure spite.

Cooper stood up and sauntered over to me. He casually dropped an arm over my shoulder, leaning in to whisper. "So what's the real plan?"

"I let myself be suckered into their plan. We catch them in the act. A mole from the inside." I lowered my voice, glancing at Marcus. "You need to get in too. Somehow. Still working on that, though."

Cooper smirked. "He was my boyfriend. I'm sure if we have enough PDA, I'll prove my loyalty and be allowed in there."

I turned and smacked him in the head. "Oho! It feels so good to be able to hit you again!" I turned and jokingly punched him in the shoulder.

He winced. "You weren't this strong before."

Marcus walked up behind us, snapping his phone shut. "That's because we've been brutally training her body." He tossed a punch at my head.

Instinct took over. I pushed Cooper away from me. I caught Marcus's fist and turned to pull him over me. One moment he was standing; the next he was on the floor.

"Bitch, yass! I have superpowers!" I laughed, looking at my arm muscles. Cooper squeezed one.

Marcus sat up, rubbing his head and glaring at me. "No. Your body is 100% human. We ran tests to be sure. That's pure, human capability."

"BITCH, YASS!" I laughed, holding my arms in the air like a wrestling champion. I danced in a circle, tripping over Marcus's foot. As I fell to the floor, my body's reactions took over. I did a handspring and landed on my feet.

Cooper clapped a hand over my mouth. "You're about to scream again, and the neighbors don't want to hear that."

The doorbell rang. I jumped in surprise, uttering a peep. I ducked behind the couch, glancing at the door like it would pounce.

"Cooper, can you get that for me? I'm still in this stupid, ugly, brown spandex supervillain suit." I grabbed a pillow from the couch and pressed it to my chest.

Cooper groaned and waltzed to the door.

"Hello, does Ahsper live here?" A female voice asked the moment the door opened.

"No," Cooper replied. He started to shut the door.

Apparently I didn't live here anymore.

The woman put her foot in the door. "My apologies. Did Ahsper used to live here?" Her hand rested on Cooper's hand. Was that a wedding ring on her finger?

"We want to thank Miss Ghost Lady. Are you her family?" A little boy asked. I recognized that voice. Moses?

Cooper shot me a smug look. "Yeah. I am, well- was her brother."

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