Blowing Shit Up

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I glanced at the TV in Nemesis's office. The news was playing, and I couldn't decide if I should scold my mentor or jump for joy.

"Superhero went rogue! Red Chrysan has refused to continue working for the government." The cheery news anchor wobbled in her heels. "Let's go to the clip taken this morning that's already going viral." The news station moved to the clip of Red Chrysan.

I watched the screen in horror was Red Chrysan held up his SuperHero papers, legalizing him as a US superhero, not just a vigilante. He tore the papers in half, facing directly at the camera. His mask hid any emotion. I flinched as his voice came out strong, "People of this world, your government no longer holds any power over me. Their hold- their blackmail over me has expired." He continued to tear the paper, again and again. The paper shreds fell to the ground, tiny pieces of confetti. Red Chrysan held up a middle finger at the camera. His other hand joined the party, and soon he was flashing two birds at the entire world.

"The government has plans to exterminate all Supers." Red Chrysan reached back to a hidden pocket, drawing out a thumb drive. "And I've got them right here."

I shifted, Nemesis's eyes drilling into the back of my neck. I shivered, glancing back at him. "Can you, I don't know, NOT stare at me, thanks? Your gaze is making the back of my neck prickle, and it's distracting. I WANT to watch the news for once."

Nemesis pointed at the TV. "Shut up and let me glare at you."

I turned my attention back to the TV.

"I've emailed these plans to every news station. I've uploaded them to every social media under the tag: Justice." Red Chrysan took a menacing step towards the camera. "I'm a vigilante now, working for the common good of the people. Fight us, and we'll fight back. Your move, government."

The clip ended. The chirpy news anchor lady was back. "The plans in his statement have also gone viral. The president of the white house has identified these plans as a "backup plan." If the government has active plans to destroy Supers, what else are they hiding from us?" The lady glanced off screen for a moment. "And now, the weather."

Nemesis turned the TV off and turned to me. "You've made one of our superheroes revolt."

I nervously shook my head. "No, he said that your blackmail has expired." I laughed. "Not my fault."

An evil laugh came to Nemesis's throat. "You're such a stupid girl. You ever wonder why he stopped being a superhero when you've become a villain?"

I nodded. "You can't blackmail two people with one person. It won't work like that because you have to keep the person alive or else you can't blackmail the second person."

"No! You and Cooper's protection and involvement in the program was his blackmail! He became a superhero so you'd stay out of this whole thing!" Nemesis stormed behind his desk.

"Um, no," I said. "You're wrong."

There was no way in the entire galaxy that I was Red's blackmail. Nemesis was trying to get a rise out of me.

Nemesis paused in a seething frustration. "What do you know?"

I shrugged. "Let me prove it to you. You have him on speed dial, right? I'm friends with him, and he's gone rogue. Let me ask."

Nemesis paused, a threatening hand over his phone.

I could practically feel the "no" radiating off the tip of his tongue.

"Unless you're afraid to be wrong, that is?" I mocked him.

Nemesis unlocked and tossed me the phone.

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