Projectile Puked Souls

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"Do you see my problem?" I sat on the bed, thankfully in my body, staring at Red Chrysan. "My body keeps projectile puking me out."

Red Chrysan stroked his chin, thoughtfully considering my predicament. "How many times have you been... puked out?"

"14 fucking times in the last 12 hours." I crossed my arms and pouted. I shook my head. "I just don't understand why my body doesn't want me. I kept it alive all these years. It should be thankful!" I pulled out my hands, counting on my fingers. "I stubbed my toe, slipped in the shower, bumped my knee on a table, dropped my phone on my face, fell down the stairs, kicked a goose, and numerous other things. All of them resulting in my soul exploding out of my body."

Red Chrysan tilted his head thoughtfully. An idea seemed to pop into his mind, his hands flying to his head. "It all makes sense now! It's the pain! That's the connection!" He took a step toward me. "Catch." He laughed, tossing a roundhouse kick at my head.

I swear, at that moment, my soul left my body.

Literally. I'm not kidding. My soul projectile puked out of my body.


"15 times and counting. Ugh!" I groaned, looking at my body. It caught Red Chrysan's foot with ease, twisting it until he fell over. My body sat, watching, eyes empty and staring across the room.

"RIght. Puke me out and catch his foot. Good idea, body. WOnderful idea. Use your fucking brain. Between the two of us, you actually have one." I crossed my arms, glaring at it.

For a body without a soul, it had unusually fast reflexes.

"I think you're pushed out of your body when it thinks it's in danger." Red Chrysan got off the floor, staring at me.

I rolled my eyes, touching my body on the shoulder. I was pulled in immediately. I stood up, vision blurry. "You just tried to punch me! I'll get you for that!"

Red Chrysan's eyes darted around the room. "Please, dear god, tell me there are no more frying pans around here."

I shook my head.

"Good." Red Chrysan brought his hand into a fist and tossed a punch at my head. I was thrown out of my body, watching the show unfold, as you do. My body quickly tossed Red Chrysan across the room.

"What fun is throwing you if I'm not even the one to do it?" I complained, touching my body again. I was pulled into my vessel again. Why did I feel disposable as a soul?

"Your body pushed out your soul slightly slower than last time." Red Chrysan slowly got to his feet, groaning. "Maybe we can train it?"

"Maybe we can train you." I snorted back, sprawling on the bed. "There's no way we can train my body. We'd put dents in the wall from where you land."

"We'll take a day trip to the country. No one will notice your absence." He suggested. I shook my head.

"Cooper went out shopping with Marcus. They'll be back soon-ish. Probably." I reached on and grabbed a pillow, smashing it to my head. "Maybe soon-ish? Forget it. They'll be out all day."

"Ahsper, you're mumbling into the pillow." Red Chrysan sat on the side of the bed. I could only assume he was staring at me. "I didn't understand any of that. Will they notice your absence or not?"

"No, they won't notice. But, I don't want to train," I mumbled even farther into the pillow. Red Chrysan reached over and pulled the pillow slightly away from my face.

"Speak up, without the pillow this time, or I'll punch you and your soul will be flung out again." He breathed into my ear.

Shivers dashed through me. He just breathed in my ear. I shoved him away, squealing.

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