Revolutionary Cats

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Apparently, to be the leader of a revolution, there was a required two years minimum of living with your powers.

I've had mine for what, two months?

So, yeah. Not a part of the revolution I started. Joy of all joys, that title was given to Red Chrysan.

The revolution itself, though, is a complete success. Supers realized that they could fix things by taking them into their own hands instead of waiting for the government. Supers now have better schools, living conditions, and job opportunities. The government has been sitting back and watching quietly from the sidelines as they protest.

I paced nervously, chewing on the bottom of my lip. Something didn't seem right about this whole situation. The government had plans, tanks, unique weapons, all designed to eradicate supers. Why would they just sit back and watch as we had a revolution?

I jumped as Red Chrysan entered the room, sighing heavily. He took off his gloves, placing them on a side table before collapsing onto the ground.

"How'd the protest go?" I asked before I could stop myself.

I glanced at the clock. It was 2 o'clock in the morning. It must've gotten a bit violent if Red Chrysan was just getting back.

Red Chrysan turned his head to look at me from the floor. His red and brown mask looked like it was drenched in sweat.

"It's hot as balls out there, and the government didn't show up. There was no interference, even when the people started breaking things." He wiped his hand over his mask.

"No interference?" I asked, eyebrows clenching together.

That was it. I needed out of here. I needed to see what was going on. "When's the next protest I can monitor? You haven't been mentoring me lately, and I'm dying for some action!"

Red Chrysan shook his head. "Nope. You know the rules of the revolution. Don't touch anything, talk to anyone, or blow anything up. As the face of the revolution, we need you safe."

I groaned and paced to the window. "Bird in a cage," I muttered to myself, looking at the cloudless night sky.

Red Chrysan slowly pushed himself off of the floor. "What did you say?" He asked.

I shrugged. "Nothing important." I stalked out of the room, stomping down the hallway.

I angrily knocked on the door to Cooper's hotel room, a frown plastered on my face. Maybe Cooper could help me sort this out.

Cooper opened his door, blanket wrapped around his shoulders. He yawned. "Ahsper, what the fuck do you want?" He grumbled, letting me into the room. He shuffled back to the bed, collapsing on it. "It's fucking 2 o'clock in the morning." He yawned, rubbing his eyes with both hands.

I knew that motion. He only used that motion when he was thinking about his dead twin brother.

He had his own problems to worry about, much less mine. But still, something didn't seem right about this whole situation. A little voice nagged at the back of my brain.

"Cooper," I said in a stern voice. "When was the last time you saw a hallucination of Angel?"

Cooper froze, looking up at me with dark circles under his eyes. "Yesterday?"

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