The void wants chicken

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"Ahsper, you're staring at the window." Cooper waved a hand through me. I shook my head to clear my thoughts.

"Yes, I am. Great observation." I shrugged. "You left when my dads got here. Why are you back?"

"You mouthed 'help me' earlier, and I decided to save you through an abundance of horror movies" He grinned. He continued to wave a hand through me as I stared at the open window.

"He had your ass," I whispered. "How could he have your ass?"

I turned to look at Cooper. He was trying to magically move me through the door, his hands flailing pathetically.

"The truth, Cooper?" I said. Cooper sighed, gave up, and shuffled next to me.

"Look, I just couldn't go home for long. I saw things again. He was there." Cooper plopped down onto my bed, tucking his head into his hands. "I thought the hallucinations had stopped. Why start again? Why now?"

Right, I needed to be sympathetic in his time of need.

Sympathy program booting up....

Hug 101 and pat on the back 5000 loading...

Please wait...


Please wait...

Failure to load physical body. Restart program and try again.

Nope. Sympathy wouldn't work. I needed to go back to default programming. Laughter and sarcasm fixed everything.

"You can stay the night. My dads don't mind." I hovered to my shelf, rearranging the books on it. "The guest room is free. They'll probably throw condoms at us, but, I mean, technically you can stay."

Coper tilted his head at me. "If you start with the 'ghost of condoms past' shit again, I swear I'll throw your pillow through you."

I gasped. "No! Not the pillow! Anything but that!" I dramatically flailed, defending myself with my arms. Ghost arms. Useless against a pillow attack.

Cooper laughed, grabbing the pillow. He raised it above his head.

"Oh no, you don't!" I laughed, using my powers to lift a pillow. I dropped it on his head.

Laughing, Cooper brought down his pillow and hugged it. His face fell. "You're such a dork."

"It takes one, to know one! I'm a dork, so you're a mega dork! It's all fair in love and war." I spun in the air happily. Cooper tossed the pillow at me. It bounced off the wall and hit the floor.

"Love and war? So, which is it? Love? War? I'm really hoping you'll say you love me," Cooper grinned theatrically at me. "Or, at least say you love my ass. We both know you've got that curvature memorized!"

I shrugged. It was true.

"Hey! What can I say? I know a masterpiece when I see one!" I lifted the pillow off the ground and tossed it at him. He caught it with ease.

"Yeah, huh, a masterpiece. What a bunch of bullshit." He muttered to himself. He glared at my floor.

My black cat meowed from the doorway.

"Oh, hey Catzillia." Cooper looked up from his pillow.

"That's Fluffinator, you uncultured swine!" I laughed.

Cooper shook his head. "They look the same. That's Catzillia."

"No, it's not. That one has greener eyes. It's Fluffinator." I shook my head. "Here, see? Fluffinator, here kitty, kitty! Here kitty, kitty!"

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