Well, Fuck

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"Ahsper, we're giving you a choice." Nemesis sighed and glanced at me.

Do people normally sigh this much, or is it just because of me?

"Let me guess! Join you or die? Not much of choice, if you ask me." I laughed, holding up the cuffs.

Marcus chuckled. "I like your options better, but no. Help us, or we'll ruin your life and kill everyone you hold dear."

I snorted. "Go ahead and fucking try. You've already got me as a prisoner. What more can you do?"

Nemesis nodded to Marcus, pulling a key out of his pocket. He yanked my arms forward, unlocking the cuffs.

In a fit of instinct, I yanked my arms back, cuffs clattering to the floor. I cradled my wrists, dried blood crusted in a complete circle around them. I raised an eyebrow at Nemesis.

"Marcus. Take control of her." Nemesis hissed.

In a whoosh of elevator parts, I was floating in the elevator shaft, the two boys and my body still on the move. Why were elevators so fast?

"Oh, come on! That's so not fair!" I groaned, flying after my body. "I swear, body if you betray me again, I'm disowning you!"

The elevator abruptly stopped, and I, unfortunately, did not. I swooshed through the elevator and into the shaft below. I hissed through my teeth and floated up, more carefully this time. I flailed my arms, making a dramatic entrance, just as the elevator doors shut. The elevator was empty and returning upwards.

Shaking my head, I floated through the doors of the level with a sigh. Dramatic entrances were made to be ruined. Marcus was standing, tapping his foot as he waited for me. Nemesis and my body were nowhere to be found.

"My body?" I raided a transparent eyebrow ar Marcus. He shrugged and started walking down hallways. I kept behind him.

You know, in a hallway like this, I could learn to haunt something. If I made spooky noises, made the lights flicker and doors rattle, it's pretty awesome.

"OOOOooooooooOOOOOOOOoooooooooOOOOOOOOOoooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo." I blew in his ear, trying to be spooky.

He turned around and walked his hand through me. "Will you quit that?"

With a huff that could rival the big bad wolf in the three little pigs, he stalked back down the hallway.

"OOOOooooooooOOOOOOOOoooooooooOOOOOOOOOoooooooooOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooooo." I started rattling the lights as we passed, making them flicker.

Marcus paused. "Ahsper, are you seriously haunting me right now? Don't you have bigger concerns? Like your body?"

I grinned, one hundred percent full of bullshit. "Oh, didn't I tell you? I can inhabit the body of any human. I don't need my body in particular, but it would be nice."

Terror flittered across Marcus's eyes before dissolving into the look of a soldier. "Well, isn't that an inconvenience. Never the matter, let's still go see what announcement your body has for the world."

I continued flickering the lights as we walked. I followed, a terrified bubble of laughter rising in my throat. It was amazing that I could still haunt Marcus with an elephant size of fear sitting on my soul. "An announcement?" I asked as Marcus turned and pushed through a broad set of double doors.

One wall was completely covered with a TV. Projected on it was my face, foreign-looking as ever. For one, my makeup was done. 

"When did they even have time to do my makeup?" I hissed at Marcus.

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