My body is a traitor

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Cooper spun around in the chair. The computer before him had eight google tabs open, and a notebook full of scribbled words sat in his lap.

"We've been at this for hours! I know I'm the only one here who can type on a computer, but this is killing me. I'm not good at math." He spun, kicking his feet out for momentum.

"You don't need to understand it. I'm the one doing the science here!" I said, floating behind him.

There was a significant connection between the human body and the air, and I knew it was somewhere.

"Look, I get it. You think you can control a single element on the periodic table. Unless we figure out what it is, we're going to be here all day!" Cooper stopped spinning and glared at me. "I need to take you haunting! Halloween is in two months and we need to get your act together! We could have the best-haunted house ever!"

I groaned. "We need to figure out how I exploded something!" I did a flip behind him, anxious to continue our research.

"You smell like rotten eggs. Sulfur smells like rotten eggs. Presto, you control sulfur!" Cooper sighed and closed the laptop. "We've been at this for hours."

I shook my head. I knew that wasn't it.

His phone started to buzz on the desk. Snatching it quickly, he bounded out of the chair. He placed it to his ear, listening intently. "Understood. Be there soon," he said into the phone. He glanced at his watch, turning to me. "I need to meet up with my girlfriend. She's gotten herself into some trouble."

I nodded as he raced out the door. "Sure. Whatever. Just leave me here to rot!" I cried, hearing the front door slam. Sighing, I decided to pop into the kitchen.

The moment I appeared in the kitchen, the fridge stopped humming. I paused, counting to three. The refrigerator started again. The TV in the living room also started playing. For some reason, I had that effect on technology.

"I'm here at the bank with the story of the century! The FBI is facing off against the- what was his name?" The reporter stumbled with her notes, scanning over them. "Ah! Nemesis! What villain names themselves Nemesis? That's a stupid villain name!" She looked away from the screen and at someone on the sidelines. Seemingly remembering she was on live TV, she turned her attention back to her scoop of the century. "Back to the story! Nemesis has taken a girl hostage! We don't get many villains around here, but when we do, they make a scene! We have yet to see if the ghostly villain from the other day will emerge!" She grinned like a fool. News reporters didn't have much news nowadays. The presence of heroes took crime down to a minimum. Anything exiting became a hot topic in minutes.

A picture of me flashed on the screen. "This girl is the one who was taken hostage!" She babbled.

I looked behind her, trying to figure out which Colorado bank they were at. My guess? They were at the bank on Hampden and Chambers. I knew where that was! I needed to go and get my body back!

I crackled and popped to life with electricity, the TV going dead. Closing my eyes, I imagined myself at the bank. I could practically taste the metallic sweat in the air, the fear radiating off the people huddled in the corner. Wait? How did I know there were people gathered in the corner?

Opening my eyes, I was in the exact middle of the bank. FBI stood at the door; guns pointed at the back of the bank. In the back of the bank, men wearing white stood. Nemesis, the villain, wore white body armor, a silver motorcycle mask on his head. He held my body in front of him as a shield.

"Now, now, shoot and you'll kill this innocent girl!" He mocked the men with guns. The man in charge held up his fist, signaling the men to pause.

"Why should we care about one innocent girl's life when there are a dozen people huddled in the corner?" The FBI man boomed across the small area.

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