Cheating at Chess

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Above pic is Red Chrysan's super suit. It's supposed to be Red and Gold, but you can only do so much with a pencil.

Yes, I drew it. Yes, I know my art skills need work. 

Please proceed with your weekly chapter. 


"Cooper," I grinned and picked up my chess piece. "My pawns all found Jesus and have turned into bishops." I moved it forward a place, grinning as I placed it in line with his king. "Check."

"Ahsper, that's cheating," Cooper reached over to smack my head. "It doesn't matter anyway. Checkmate." He moved a piece to trap my king.

I jumped to my feet, my grin even more prominent. "This might be an appropriate time to mention that before we started playing, my pawns and knights revolted and instituted a religious democracy. Feel free to kill the puppet ruler that was the last one remaining between us and our freedom with his tyranny. Viva la revolution!" I dashed to the kitchen, Cooper's feet pounding after me.

"You little shit! The whole game was pointless if there was a revolution! How dare you make me kill innocent pawns!" His fingers grazed the back of my shirt.

I sped up, sliding over the table. "VIVA LA REVOLUTION!" I laughed, glancing back at him. A goofy grin spread across his face, his hair bobbing with every step. "VIVA LA REVOLUTION!"

He laughed, changing course. "Viva la revolution! We'll overthrow our king too! Power to the people!" He flipped the chessboard over.

I stared at the pieces as they scattered across the carpet. "Ok, so, you've won 18 times. I've won 12. Let's do something else."

He glanced around the room, scattered with board games. "What do you want to do?"

I perked up at the question. "Fight crime!" I flexed, spinning in a circle. "Why start a revolution in a game when I can start one in real life?

Cooper shook his head. "I can't help with that." He moved a pile of games out of a chair and sat heavily on it. He glanced around the room, eyes landing on the door. Footsteps approached from the other side. "Ahsper, Marcus is coming again. If you want to keep your body, run."

I nodded, taking off into the backyard.

Marcus entered gun held high. He shot several rounds after me, shouting. "Ahsper, you little shit! You're making me look bad! I was supposed to train you, not the stupid hero!"  He stopped, cupping his hands over his mouth to make sure I heard him. "You will become a villain whether you like it or not!"

For the record, I never told him anything about Red Chrysan. He found out somehow. I don't know how, but he did. 

And now he keeps trying to steal my body. So far, he'd succeeded three times, and we've avoided him 114 times today.

I paused next to the gardener's shed. I pressed myself against the wall, taking deep breaths.

I glanced around the corner, looking for Marcus.


I jumped, shrieking. I whirled around on instinct, fist flying at a familiar face.

"Want to go fight some crime?" Red Chrysan grabbed my hand and stopped it from hitting him. "Relax. It's just me." He leaned casually against the shed wall; a second super suit draped over one arm. It was white and black.

"Fight crime? With you? Why?" I asked skeptically. He shrugged.

His eyes wandered up into the sky. "Figured you needed some practice in battle. I had a friend make you a super suit." He lifted his arm slightly, motioning to the garment. "If you don't want it, I'll find other purposes for it, and you can go back to playing chess."

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