Like an Apple

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"Let me out of these handcuffs!" I struggled against the chains. The metal bit into my wrists, drawing blood. A red band formed around the cuffs as they started to glow.

Restrictive super cuffs, or so they were called, draw the blood of the super. It analyzes the results and the gene creating the powers, suppressing them.

Some genius created them. I never thought I would need them.

"Nope. I'm an opportunist, and you landed in my arms." Marcus picked me up and tossed me over his shoulder.

"You, Cooper, and that other fellow have some explaining to do!" I pounded my fists against his back, trying to forcefully eject my soul. The handcuffs glowed and kept my soul repressed.

Marcus cringed and kept walking. "It'll all be explained once you meet the Boss. You'll change your mind and chose to join us."

"I don't want to join you! I'd join the Nemesis downstairs before I ever joined you!" I thrashed on his shoulder, trying to force myself out of his arms.

Marcus shrugged, bouncing me as he started down a flight of stairs. "Same difference. We belong to the same organization."

I struggled harder against his grip, kicking my legs and pounding on his back. "Cooper! Red Chrysan! Whoever the flop is around, HELP!" Marcus slapped my butt to make me shut up. "Someone better come help because if you don't, there's going to be a dead body. Once I start killing Marcus, I'm not going to stop!"

Marcus sighed and wrapped his arms around my butt. "Ahsper, you're not going to kill me today or any other day for that matter."

I writhed, livid. "Hurry before I grind his bones to dust and bake a cake!" I called into the empty house.

Where was Cooper? He was here a few minutes ago, playing tag.

"Your boyfriend won't help you." Marcus emerged into the entry room and slid on his shoes. He rested a hand on the doorknob.

I took the opportunity to kick off the door. Marcus fell over, dropping me to the floor. "Cooper is NOT my boyfriend!" My face was bright red as I got to my feet. I brandished my handcuffs as a weapon.

Marcus laughed, getting off the floor. "I didn't mean Cooper. We all know he's MY boyfriend. I was talking about Red Chrysan." Marcus lunged for my arms and roughly pulled against my chains. He dragged me to the door, opening it forcefully. It bounced off the wall with a "bang". "You two are a cute couple."

My face became redder if possible "We're not a couple! Besides, don't you two work for like the same boss or something?"

Marcus hummed in reply, leading me to a car parked in the driveway.

The driver stood next to the door, opening it for us. "Sir, I see you finally have custody of the girl. Will you need chloroform?"

I nodded rapidly. "Some chloroform for Marcus would be appreciated. I'll finally get some peace around here." I gave the driver my most pleading facial expression.

Marcus shook his head. "No, thank you. We won't put her to sleep. We have no way of knowing how her body will react. I don't want to lose her soul this time." Marcus paused for a moment. "A blindfold will be nice. We can't let her see where she's going." Marcus roughly shoved me in the car.

I barreled to the other side of the car, hands flying to the door. I began pushing and prodding the handle. The door refused to budge.

"Don't bother with the door. Child lock is on." Marcus slid into the seat next to me, a piece of cloth clutched in his right hand.

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