16| Proposal 🥀

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"Jisoo! You killed him!" Lisa exclaimed. Jisoo looked at the lifeless body of the floor. "I guess I did. I can't believe I just killed the-" - "Let me stop you right there." a male voice said. The females turned their heads to see Jungkook rising from the ground holding his neck.

He looked at Jisoo. "That hurt. You are so rude." he started. Jisoo began breathing heavily as she looked at the male in front of her. Jungkook smirked as he noticed how scared Jisoo was. "You're also not needed." he said. The two girls were confused until Jisoo started coughing once again, but this time there was blood.

Lisa tried to help her control it, but there wasn't anything she could do to save her. Lisa turned to Jungkook. "Please. Please stop you're killing her." Jungkook looked at Lisa. He could see the emotion in her eyes. "On one condition." he said. Lisa turned to Jisoo who was holding onto her last few breaths. She turned back to Jungkook. "Fine! I'll do anything. Just please stop." Jungkook smirked and soon Jisoo's coughing stopped and she was regaining her breath.

Jungkook walked towards Lisa and pulled her up so she was standing in front of him. "Lalisa. I have dreamt of this moment for so long. Now I finally have you." Jungkook said. Lisa frowned and tried to move away from him, but Jungkook quickly grabbed her arm and stopped her. "Don't."

Lisa swallowed hard as she was under his gaze she could see small streaks of red gleaming in his eyes, disappearing almost as soon as they appear. "Lisa you and I have a lot to do. But I need you to do a couple things for me." Lisa scoffed. "Look Jungkook I'm not afraid of you. You don't scare me and I don't have to listen to a damn thing you say."

Jungkook chuckles as he tighten the grip on her arm. "You see that's where you're wrong. You're going to do exactly what I say because if you don't..." Lisa looked at him with an unamused expression until he said the next words. Just those words caused her whole mood to change. As well as her answer.

"Your brother just might not see tomorrow. You see Lisa I could kill him in a millisecond, but he's important to you and you're important to me. So I'm sparing him, but I'm going to let you choose. You can either come with me and let your brother be happy or you can stay and attend his funeral."

Lisa looked at Jungkook with worried eyes. "Don't do it Lisa. I can save your brother." Jungkook turned to Jisoo. "You talk to much." he said before he snapped her neck. Lisa gasped. "Jisoo! No!" Jungkook turned to her. "Make your decision now Lisa or I will leave a path of dead bodies throughout this house. I'll go to Taehyung next and then end with your brother."

Lisa looked at Jungkook with tears in her eyes. "Fine! Take me. Do whatever it is you need to do, but please don't hurt anyone else." Jungkook smirked as he wiped his tear and embraced her. "Don't cry. It'll all be okay. You're okay now. You're with me."

Later that night after the party was over Lisa called Yoongi and Jennie  into the main room of the house. Yoongi asked her how she felt repeatedly. Jungkook has explained this all to her and explained to her what she had to do to protect her brother. "I have something important to tell you both."

The two of them sat beside each other as they awaited the younger to speak. Lisa sighed. "There is no real easy way to say this so I'm just going to come right out and say it." Yoongi and Jennie both frowned as Lisa tried not to cry. "I want you two to get married." Yoongi blinked his eyes to make sure he heard correctly. "You want us to do what?" Yoongi asked for conformation.

"I want you two to get married. Think about it. You have eternity to spend together so why not restart your eternity with a wedding. Jennie makes you happy and I want you two to get married. I know it sounds crazy since you're vampires, but give it some thought. Please." was all Lisa said before she went back to her room leaving the two vampires in silence.

She walked into her room to see Taehyung sleeping soundly. She tried to hold in her tears and she walked towards him. "I know you're asleep now and probably can't hear me, but this is probably the last goodbye you'll get from me. I just want you to know that I love you and you didn't deserve this. It really saddens me to say this, but goodbye Taehyung." she spoke as she leaned down and gave him one last kiss.

Lisa wiped her tears as she walked away from him she turned around and there stood Jungkook. "Are you done?" he asked. Lisa nodded sadly. "Let's do this." she replied blankly. Jungkook smirked sadly. "Don't worry. You're hurting now, but you'll feel good later trust me." Lisa rolled her eyes as she took his hand and the two sped off.

Never in a million years would Lisa think that she would have to say goodbye to her beautiful life. Her brother. Her friends. Her lover. All because she had made a deal with the devil himself.

Author's Note: I just want to remind you that Jungkook has plans for Jennie too and it is actually in the first few chapters of his story, but you'll have to look hard to find it. I hope you're enjoying the updates.

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I will see you in the next chapter.

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