33 Things To Do In Church

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1. Randomly yell, "Hallelujah!"

2. Ask for seconds on the bread.

3. Any time the preist mentions "Jesus" stand up, put your left hand palm-side up out, and sing, in your best oprah voice, "Our savior!" and sit back down.

4. Pretend you are drunk after drinking the wine.

5. Pretend to laugh at some of the preists jokes.

6. When you shake hands with someone, give them a creepy smile-face!

7. Make farting noises when it is quiet.

8. While the organ or another instrument is playing, clap your hands to the beat and hum a song.

9. Ask poeple what "Amen" means.

10. When you eat the bread, ask the priest if it's stale.

11. Count the number of colors there are in the stain glass window.

12. When someone is walking down the isle, stare at them.

13. Open the doors for everyone. Then slam the door in your friend's face.

14. While everyone sings, sing loudly, dramaticly, and use hand motions.

15. Dance when people are singing.

16. Attempt to read a section of the Bible upside down.

17. Keep assuring yourself that Jesus will save you.

18. Rejoice your exit.

19. Ten minutes before it starts, pay a friend of yours to ask the priest if he would rather be stoned or crucified.

20. Dance to your seat.

21. Count the number of pews.

22. Admire the art work on the walls.

23. Make up your own words to the songs.

24. Eat dry Cheerio's or another brand of cerial throughout the whole thing.

25. If there is a crying baby, share the Cheerios with it.

26. When a baby does start crying ask your friend, "Can you blame it?"

27. After every sentence someone says, add a rhyming word.

28. Make dancing lights on the ceiling with your watch.

29. Ask where they purchase their candles.

30. Drum the beat of your favorite song on the pews.

31. Make a noise, and have a friend shout, "Hark! An angel has spoken!"

32. Tell someone in the bathroom that the Lord is watching.

33. Clean your face with the Holy water.

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