31 Things To Do On The Last Day of Summer

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1. Cry.

2. Act like it's the first day, and go all-out with everything you do!

3. Swim in your pool like your life depends on it!

4. Stare up at the sky and cheer like there are fireworks going off!

5. Throw a picnic with your imaginary friend and drink grape juice like it's wine.

6. Act psychotic.

7. Invite your friends over and spray them with your hose.

8. Dance as you get sprayed with your hose/water sprinkler.

9. Push your friends in the pool (as long as they don't have phones)

10. Complain about how hot it is as you sip some hot chocolate/coffee while you wear a winter coat.

11. Make firework noises.

12. Complain about how it's the last day of summer and school starts tomorrow.

13. Catch fireflies.

14. Throw a party!

15. Dress in the most elaborate outfit you can think of and walk around your neighborhood.

16. Put up signs throughout your neighborhood that say "WANTED: Summer Vacation Days. NO REWARD."

17. Try to make deals with your parents about what it would take to keep you home for an extra day.

18. Take chalk and write on the sidewalk, "School is starting. Hide your kids."

19. Pick out your outfit for the first day of school so you can look fancy.

20. Do everything in this book.

21. Eat as much ice cream as you can.

22. If an ice cream truck goes through your neighborhood, chase it.

23. If it is raining, compare the weather with your mood.

24. Make up songs that diss your school.

25. Play music as loud as you can and dance widly with it. Make references to your school with some of the lyrics.

26. If your parent is a teacher, ask them why they would work at a horrible place.

27. As you prepare for bed, take as long as possible.

28. Lay awake in your bed thinking of all the things you're gonna do tomorrow at school.

29. Be thankful for all of the summer vacation days you've had.

30. Double check your school supplies to make sure you have everything you need.

31. When you're about to go to sleep, relax. Everything will me okay!

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