22 Things To Do On A Deserted Island

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1. Scream for help.

2. Make a boat out of surrounding trees and just float away.

3. If you could have one thing on the island, be sure it's a shopping cart. Shopping carts are the answer to everything.

4. Or Dora. She has everything.

5. Make sure you're not alone. Bring a real or imaginary friend.

6. If help still didn't come, yell for help again.

7. Try to find ANY trace of human life on the island.

8. If you can't, make sure to leave trace of human life in case you die.

9. Make a fire so you don't die.

10. Yell in panic and run around like a maniac.

11. Start crying because your imaginary friend is drowning.

12. If you come across a magic genie lamp, wish for a Wal-Mart.

13. Wish for duct tape.

14. Wish for a boat. Chances are it won't work, but you can try.

15. Wish for another 3 wishes.

16. Wish for a hammer.

17, Wish for a bridge from the island to your house.

18. If the genie doesnt want to cooperate, wish for a different genie because "your current genie isn't much fun."

19. When the genie gets mad at you, roll your eyes and walk away.

20. Wait 15 long years for someone to come and save you.

21. When someone does come to save you, yell "Hallelujah!" and jump onto their boat/whatever.

22. If you're not saved, find a volleyball and name it Wilson.

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