26 Things To Do At Hogwarts

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1. Attempt to breed a liger... with a mockingjay... :D

2. Lick Trevor.

3. Draw stuff on people when they are sleeping. Then charm it so it won't come off.

4. Color every owl purple. And if you come across a purple one that wasn't dyed, name it "Ted" and then dye it red.

5. Ask Lupin if it's 'his time of month'

6. Read The Quibbler upside down!

7.  Turn a toad into a hippo and name it "Lupin".

8. When people are having an argument over who has the longest wand, go over, take out that lightsaber, and taunt, "Haha! Mine is bigger than yours!!"

9. Sweep the room with 'Firebolt'

10. Feed random things to Fluffy!

11. Write "drink me" in random potions throughout potion class.

12. Charm your friends equipment.

13. Pretend to be Harry's real mom or dad.

14. Let a troll go free throughout the school.

15. Call a ghost hunting team to Hogwarts.

16. Braid Dumbledore's beard.

17. Tell Lupin about the werewolves in twilight.

18. Comment on Harry's scar on his forehead, asking if he personally knows Zeus.

19. Tell Harry that voices in your head have connections to his. Then say, "Hello, brother!" and run away laughing.

20. Ask Dumbledore if he ever taught the ever-so-famous Sabrina the Teenage Witch.

21. Gift carrots to the Weasleys.

22. Throw a wizard party!

23. Create magic fireworks.

24. Taunt Voldemort that you have a nose and he doesn't.

25. Give Voldemort a nose for three seconds. Then use magic to rip it off.

26. Play the "I have your nose!" game with Voldemort.

27. As a tribute to Snape, name a snake after him and give it a black-haired wig.

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