32 Things To Do With Paper

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1. Fold it up.

2. Make oragami.

3. Having issues? Write your thoughts down to relieve stress.

4. Write a story or other work of literature.

5. Cut it up if you're angry or sad. Save your skin.

6. Write a letter and mail it to a long-time friend of yours.

7. Write a love note to your imaginary friend on it.

8. Create a paper airplane.

9. Make a card.

10. Crumple it up and throw it at your trash bin. See how many times you can accurately get it in!

11. Use it as a telescope.

12. Give it to your imaginary friend.

13. Puncture it with pencils.

14. Draw on it.

15. Make a paper fan with it.

16. Rip it up into pieces of confetti and throw it into the air.

17. Count how many times you can fold it. Write down the number on the paper and try to beat that score!

18. Throw it and try to catch it!

19. Make a mask.

20. Rip it into three equal parts and braid it.

21. Put the paper on top of a coin, leaf, or other object with depth. Use a crayon or peice of chalk and shade the paper that covers the object. Notice how it copies the picture!

22. Print things on it from a computer.

23. Roll it into a funnel and pour things into it.

24. Rip it up and use tape to put it back together.

25. Name the paper and put it's name on it.

26. Design your dream bedroom on it!

26. Make a list of things you want for a holiday (ex. Christmas or Hannukah)

27. Draw a character from your story on it,

28. Put it in water.]

29. Write a made-up word on the paper and fold it up. Give it to a random person in your school.

30. Write a pep-talk letter to yourself in the future. Make sure to date it!

31. Wrap the paper around a strand of your hair and make it the new fashion.

32. Twist the paper and wrap it around your arm or finger to make it a jewlery piece.

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