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"First of all, I am so unlike you. Second of all, I hate watching those dirty stuffs." Seungkwan eye rolled and Wonwoo sighed deeply. "Seungkwan, this is for your own good." Wonwoo patted Seungkwan's shoulders and he slaps Wonwoo's hand away. "Again, I'm innocent and why don't you just ask Mingyu?" Seungkwan asked and shook his head in disgust.

The both of them are planning to have a sleepover at Wonwoo's house since Wonwoo begged for Seungkwan. Seungkwan can't resist him since Wonwoo is his best friend.

"He's with somebody else." Wonwoo bit his lip, trying to look sad in front of Seungkwan. "And who is that 'somebody else'?" Seungkwan asked and faced him. "Kim Mingyu is with Chou Tzuyu." This time Wonwoo has tears in her eyes, Thank God, I'm good in acting, Wonwoo thought.

"They're dating?" Seungkwan asked and raised an eyebrow. Wonwoo nodded slowly and wiped his tears. "All I can say is Mingyu is right, you're gay." Seungkwan pinched Wonwoo's nose. Wonwoo cursed under his breath and begged for Seungkwan to watch porn with him.

"Look, why do you love porn and be gay at the same time?" Seungkwan asked and Wonwoo punched Seungkwan's chest lightly, making sure he's fine.

"I'm not gay, for pete's sake." Wonwoo whined and kicked the air. Seungkwan just hummed. "Okay, but tell me about the few things you knew about Mingyu and Tzuyu." Seungkwan said and placed his phone above the table beside Wonwoo's bed he will be sleeping at. "Okay, let me get into the details first." Wonwoo said and inhaled deeply preparing for the story.


Wonwoo and Mingyu are childhood best friends. Wonwoo has been cheering up Mingyu always, the promises they made are going stronger and stronger just like their friendship.

The promise, "Even if death awaits us, let us promise each other that no matter what happen, let us accept it and help each other while there's time for us."

Wonwoo knew about Mingyu's parents and his daughter. But since his problems are too personal for him, he decided to stay away from Wonwoo at that time. Wonwoo refused at first but this is for him and his child's good.

Years have passed, Wonwoo insisted Mingyu to let him help Mingyu so they're still connected but they needed it to be a secret. The secret where Mingyu, Wonwoo, Ae Rin, and Ha Rin are the only people in this world knew about it.


"Ahh, isn't this privacy?" Seungkwan asked and Wonwoo nodded slowly, "Please, Seungkwan don't tell this to anybody." Wonwoo said, soon his voice was cracking. He wanted to help Mingyu and be by his side always. Seungkwan patted Wonwoo's back as a comfort. Wonwoo sobbed and Seungkwan bit his lip.

"Shh, I won't and I promise." Seungkwan said and sighed deeply. Seungkwan hated to be lonely and sad, he doesn't want others to feel those things too, he'll try his best to comfort the one and never let that person experience sadness ever again. But since life isn't perfect, things keep on going whether if it's sad or happy, we need to accept it.

"Wonwoo, don't cry. You're truly a great person for Mingyu, and for all of us too, whether if it's a friendly or a brotherly love he's feeling from you, he's truly thankful in so many ways." Seungkwan said and smiled. Wonwoo faced Seungkwan and hugged him, "Seungkwan, fuck you." Wonwoo cried louder and Seungkwan chuckled as he hugs Wonwoo. "Don't worry, I love you too." Seungkwan said between his chuckles.

Wonwoo was too lucky to have them, the boys, to be his friends. Ignoring the fact that not all of them have the same likes, yet it makes them more happy that lots of things are making them happy. The boys would never hate each other for something simple, for something useless, and for something ungrateful to them. Each other's presence was the best for each of them.

"Come on, do you want to eat something? Do you need someone?" Seungkwan asked Wonwoo and smiled at Wonwoo, he smiled back. "I don't need someone, you're enough by now." Wonwoo said, lowering his head. "But I want food." Wonwoo said making Seungkwan laugh softly, "What do you want?" Seungkwan asked, "Pizza please." Wonwoo begged cutely. "Okay. Anything for you." Seungkwan said and dialed the number for a pizza delivery.

"Seungkwan, thank you for understanding me all this time." Wonwoo said, "Everybody should understand each other, that's what friends for." Seungkwan replied.

btw, this one's really boring, right?


i seriously missed you all.

but now,

i'M BACK!!!



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