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Kyulkyung rolled her eyes as she saw Mingyu running away from her. Kyulkyung stood up from her seat and pulled out her own phone. She dialed the other crew's leader.

"Jinwoo's done, make sure you won't fail or else you'll be the one dying." Kyulkyung warned the leader and she scoffed. "Oh yeah right, you are already a failure. Prove it to me that you are worthy of receiving my own money, got it?" Kyulkyung said and hanged up.

"I'm almost there, Kim Mingyu. You're going to be all mine, fucking mine." Kyulkyung told herself as she walked away to go to her class.

Meanwhile, Sohye absolutely knew everything. Sohye was staying at the library all this time. Her classmates and the other teachers, except the librarian, didn't knew that Sohye was at the school all this time. They thought she was absent because of her excuse.

Sohye was focusing on her laptop as she locked herself in the librarian's office. The librarian and Sohye were really close because of Sohye's really kind and bubbly personality towards the elderly and the others, except for the students who thought she was Kyulkyung's true friend.

Sohye was disturbed by a phone call from, 'hackywacky', in short, the hacker to fix and help Tzuyu and Mingyu away from Kyulkyung's dark side.

"Hello?" Sohye said and typed down the codes that the boy taught her,

"Sohye, where the ef are you? I'm at the library right now as I excuse myself from that boring teacher, ugh." The boy said and Sohye laughed, "Wait for me then, the librarian and I are pretty close by the way so I'm staying at his office right now. Surely, he won't let you in." Sohye said and separated the papers and stood up from her seat and walked out of the office.

"Mr. Ahn. That boy and I have something to do. Please don't tell it to anyone." Sohye acted cute making the librarian cringe for a second, "Sohye, this can affect both of our jobs as librarian and student but I'll save you from that with that boy over here." The librarian, Mr. Ahn, said pointing at the pouting boy.

"Thank you, Mr. Ahn. For everything." Sohye shouted and Mr. Ahn covered his ears, "My ears are about to bleed go now." Mr. Ahn said. Mr. Ahn knew that Sohye didn't let the other students and teachers know that she's staying at the library the whole time, he knew that she has important business too. So, Mr. Ahn brought foods for her to eat since she doesn't want to go out.

Sohye nodded as she pull the boy heading towards the office. As they entered the room, Sohye closed the door gently and looked at the boy,

"Hello, Woozi." Sohye smiled widely and Jihoon smacked her head, "You little prick, stop using my code name." Jihoon said and Sohye nodded. "Yes, captain." Sohye said and sat down on one of the chairs, as well as Jihoon.

"Let's start." Jihoon said and turned on his laptop and took out his notes, revealing his genius plan.

"Wow, still as genius as ever." Sohye said as she studied the plan that Jihoon made. "Thank you." Jihoon said already starting his work.

"Now, Kyulkyung still hasn't took off her tracker, right? According to her messages with the other men, or should I say, the other crew, they locked Tzuyu in a janitor's room. Jinwoo, 22 year old boy, who's not studying in this school just trespassed. Wow. Kyulkyung's still as wild as ever." Jihoon said and shook his head in disbelief.

"Oh, I've been asking this at myself lately, what if they have hackers too? I mean Kyulkyung has the complete crew she needs right? What the freak, man." Sohye sighed heavily and Jihoon laughed. "Seriously, that thing, I gave that to you with unavailable location tracker, safe fingerprints, and camera scanner too." Jihoon said pointing at Sohye's laptop.

Sohye gasped, knowing that her laptop has completed safety from the other hackers. Sohye clapped slowly, showing she's praising Jihoon.

"As well as mine too, of course. And I, being the greatest hacker, know all about hacking and shits." Jihoon said and Sohye laughed while nodding. "Alright, alright. Then let's continue now." Sohye said and Jihoon nodded,

"Sure." Jihoon said smiling at Sohye.

"Oh and by the way, Sohye." Jihoon said stopping himself from writing down notes and he looked at Sohye with lazy eyes. Sohye wanted to laugh at him but she held herself.

"What?" Sohye asked and looked at him,

"Kyulkyung was still as dumb as shit. She has hackers and whatsoever with her but they're completely useless. They're nothing compared to my great and amazing resources." Jihoon proudly said and showed her Woozi's crew's picture and profiles.

"Wow, you're really the best." Sohye praised him again and Jihoon liked it.

"Thank you." Jihoon said.

jihoon is the hacker, who's also known as, woozi. ;)

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