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Tzuyu arrived the convenience store at the exact time Wonwoo slurped the noodles. Wonwoo saw Tzuyu standing on the glass door, drooling over the noodles.

Wonwoo suddenly laughed at the girl, causing him to spit the noodles into the transparent glass infront of him. Tzuyu laughed out loud and sat beside Wonwoo at patted his back.

"Boy, you look stupid." Tzuyu said and Wonwoo rolled his eyes, "Look who's talking." Wonwoo said and lets go of his chopsticks and clapped slowly.

Suddenly, the glass door opened. Revealing a really decent female, probably older that Tzuyu. Wonwoo looked at the girl with wide eyes and his jaw hanging.

When Tzuyu saw who came in, she didn't mind and looked at Wonwoo again. Tzuyu held her laugh and poked Wonwoo and closed his hanging jaw.

"Mesmerized by the beauty, eh?" Tzuyu asked Wonwoo and laughed. The lady walked infront of them and smiled.

Oh, God. Another creepy lady? Tzuyu thought and gulped.

"Miss? How can we help you? Do you want the seat? We can give this to you-" Tzuyu was cutted off by the coughing Wonwoo with his wide eyes.

The lady chuckled softly, "Hi Wonwoo, how are you?" The lady said and Tzuyu was left silent, probably embarrassed.

"I'm f-fine? How are you?" Wonwoo said and stood up to greet her.

"Oh really good, and is this your girlfriend?" The lady said and Tzuyu chocked on her own saliva. Wonwoo laughed and smacked Tzuyu's head causing the lady to slap Wonwoo's hand,

"Don't do that." The lady warned Wonwoo and he smiled sheepishly. Tzuyu shook his head and rubbed the smacked part.

"This girl? Pft- no. She's a stranger- Oww!" Wonwoo winced in pain and held his pinched part. Tzuyu pinched his arm hardly while smiling at the lady infront of them.

Tzuyu stood up and bowed at the lady, "I'm Chou Tzuyu. I'm just Wonwoo's friend." Tzuyu said and the lady showed her eyesmile and dimples.

She's super duper cute, Tzuyu thought and imagined pinching the lady's cheeks.

"That's why you're super close. You're so gorgeous by the way." The lady said and Tzuyu hid her flustered cheeks. While Wonwoo?

Wonwoo scoffed and faked a puke. Tzuyu elbowed Wonwoo's stomach and let out a fake giggle.

"What's your name?" Tzuyu asked the lady and the lady smiled widely,

"I'm Choi Ha Rin, it was super nice to meet you." Ha Rin said and smiled at Tzuyu as they shook hands. Tzuyu smiled widely, also flashing her dimples.

"Well, I'm still here but Ha Rin seat here." Wonwoo said and patted the empty spot beside him since Tzuyu stood up and Tzuyu glared at him,

"No, I want to seat beside Tzuyu so, move your ass." Ha Rin said and Tzuyu laughed at the sulking Wonwoo. "Fine." Wonwoo said and moved aside.

They sat down and Ha Rin smiled at the both of them, "Wonwoo, uhm, how's Mingyu?" Ha Rin asked and Tzuyu looked at Ha Rin with confusion.

Mingyu? Tzuyu thought and shook her head.

Wonwoo smiled and looked at his fidgeting fingers, "Lately, he's still, you know, drunk and stuffs but that ugly lady changed him for good but things happened." Wonwoo said and Tzuyu scoffed,

"Shit happened." Tzuyu corrected him and drank her iced coffee. Ha Rin looked at Tzuyu and widened her eyes.

"You know Mingyu?" Ha Rin asked and Tzuyu nodded slowly looking down. Ha Rin held her hands and smiled. "So you know, Yeon Hee too?" Ha Rin asked and Tzuyu nodded and noticed something.

Skin and lips? Tzuyu thought and held her cheeks in a shocked way.

"W-Why?" Ha Rin asked nervous too. "You're Yeon Hee's mother?" Tzuyu said and Ha Rin laughed nervously and Wonwoo shook his head and ate his cookie.

"Oh, yes, I am." Ha Rin said and Tzuyu blinked numerous times, trying to process everything.

So many things are happening to me, what the freakity freak men? Tzuyu thought and slapped herself mentally.

"I guess I'm going to give you privacy, again, Tzuyu and Ha Rin. I'm going to buy ice cream all by myself, all mine." Wonwoo said teasing the craving Tzuyu but she shrugged and shooed him away making Wonwoo roll his eyes.

When Wonwoo walked away, Ha Rin looked at Tzuyu with hopeful eyes.

"E-Eonnie?" Tzuyu stuttered and Ha Rin clinged to Tzuyu's arms.

Weird, uhuh, W-E-I-R-D. Tzuyu thought and bit her inner cheek.

"So tell me stories first, eonnie." Tzuyu pouted and whined cutely. Ha Rin nodded and fixed herself.

ha rin is a cutie, okie?

05/18/18 - oh well this is edited from that date and i wanna say that fake love and the whole love yourself : tear album is wonderful! like you won't regret listening to the amazing songs.

i thought the whole album was so sad or somewhat rude but, damn, im so fucking happy just by listening to the songs and see how bangtan's success was super touching. :')

last thing, i don't what bias means :3

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