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"Brother.... wha...what are... what did...what are you saying??" I lifted my hand off shoulder and slowly started moving away from him.

"Sorry my dear sister but I see no other way, you shouldn't have woken up, your life would've been spared" he paused for a thought and then continued, "or maybe not". He stood up and stepped closer to me, I was still on the floor, "You are the only witness and I can't let you live"

What? Why? Why do I have to die? My mother is dead and now me? And my own brother would kill me?

"Please..... please don't do this..brother" I started crying, loud cries which could be easily heard, "I don't want to die, please let me live... please I won't tell anyone!! You...you can live your life, just let me go" I wiped away my tears and said, "I want to live because... that was mother's last wish!! PLEASE!"

I held onto his leg tightly, and I begged, "spare my life"

I looked up at him only to see his eyes filled with more anger, he widened his eyes and kicked me with his other leg, I groaned in pain but nothing seemed to affect him.


He walked towards me with that sharp knife in his hand and an eerie smile on his lips, I WAS SCARED! I moved back hurriedly, my legs had given away, I couldn't get up, I pushed myself backwards, but there wasn't anywhere I could go, and banged my head on the wall behind me. My sobs and fear had taken over me.

My death had arrived.

I screamed for help.
My helpless cries echoed in the empty living room filled with my mother's blood and my tears.

I had to save myself, I can't die!! I have to do something, "I WONT LET YOU DO THIS" I looked straight into his eyes.

My legs suddenly felt lighter and now I could move them,
I stood up, and sprinted towards him, pushing him away from me, and I ran towards the door, he fell on the ground facing forward. 

I decided to run away from there, I had to escape and and report this to the police before my own brother kills me.

I ran towards the front door, and grabbed the knob to turn it, but my head turned towards my brother to see him for one last time.

My eyes widened in shock, and I fell to the ground, my body against the door.

"WHAT HAVE I DONE???Nooooooo brother!!!!"

There was fresh blood all over the carpet, not only of my mother but also mixed with my brother's blood. I had killed him, I killed my own brother, I am a murderer.

I ran towards him, and fell on my knees right next to him, I held his cold shoulder and turned his body so that he would face the ceiling.

He had his fingers lightly wrapped around the knife which had pierced into his stomach, I was petrified and started sobbing on his chest.

But I realised I had to go away from there! I had to run away, my mother asked me to run away.
With a conflicted mind I had no other choice but to run away....Far away from that place.


[Refer to part 5 chapter 1 for a better understanding.]

And this is how, I, a murderer, ended up on this lonely street.

The more I looked, the farther I saw.
Many thoughts rushed into my empty mind.

How did this happen? Why am I the one to suffer? I don't deserve to live. I am a murderer who killed her own brother. Why do I have to live.

I had no reason to live.

This is when I saw 'My reason to live' and his name is Park Jimin.

DEMON // PARK JIMIN ✔︎Where stories live. Discover now