Chapter 2

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About 3:00am the next morning Blake's sleep had broken. He sat up in his bed rubbing both of his hands down his face before getting up and walking to the glass door that lead to his balcony.

He moved the curtains aside and took a peek. It was pitch black no streeks of sunlight, no beautiful orange hue there was nothing just darkness. With a sigh he went over to the desk in his room and opened one of the drawers and pulling out a joint he had rolled earlier and a lighter. He turned back around and pushed the glass doors open. Walking out a gust of cold yet fresh air hit his bare upper body.

Blake paused for a minute and contemplated putting a shirt on seeing as he was only wearing a pair of grey sweats, he dismissed the rational part of his brain telling himself not to be a pussy and went out in the cold.

He placed the joint in his mouth then lit it, he inhaled filling his lungs before he held it between his right index and middle finger. Blake exhaled the smoke and watched as it went up into the sky.

He closed his eyes and tilted his head back taking another drag of the weed he let the voices roam free.

"Being in charge of a gang is hard work. You sure you're up for it?"

"You won't make it in that world"

"You're too carward"

"You're not strong enough"

"You'll never be as good a leader as your father is"

Blake's eyes snapped open, his eyes noticeably a shad darker. He looked down at his clunched fist his knuckles had turned white, he turned his hand over and unclunched his fist releasing the squashed jonit, a red burn mark on his palm.

Blake tried taking deep breaths to clam himself down but the voices kept ringing in his ears. One minute he was standing on his balcony over looking the woods behind their mansion the next Blake found himself running out of his room and down into the basement also know as the training area.

Mindlessly wrapping his fists he began assaulting the boxing bag.

"You'll never amount to anything"


"You're too weak"


"Your not built for the Mafia"


"You wouldn't last a day"


Their negative words fuelling his fire. By the time 6:00am rolled around members already started filling up the training area getting ready for another day of work, all of them circled around Blake watching and whispering to each other. With one last punch Blake had finally given up, he collapsed with a huff on a near by bench.

Sweat dripping down his body and his breath coming out in pants. While trying to catch his breath He slowly started to unwrap his hands. Heavy footsteps where heard coming down the stairs, a few seconds later Max appeared.

Max was 18 one of the few younger loyal members and he was like an older brother to the twins.

Blake looked up and they made eye contact, "your father wants to speak to both of you" that was all Max had to say to send Blake's mind into overdrive. "I'll be there in 10" Blake replied.

Upstairs Bayliy quickly pulled on a pair of grey jeans and a black t-shirt before she pulled on her black boots and then rushed out of her room. She went straight to the big double oak doors at the end of the hallway on the first floor of the mansion.

She knocked on the door before slowly pushing it open, when the doorway was wide enough she stepped in. She uneasily looked around the office and saw her father sitting at his desk looking at some papers. He heard her come in and looked up for a moment, "Where's your brother?" He asked, Bayliy was about to reply when Blake came in.

Blake was now wearing black formal pants and a white button up shirt. "Take a seat" Ron said while looking down at some papers. The twins took the two seats opposite Ron.

Ron sighed and looked at them then he reached over and picked up a thick stack of files, "So you both know how this works right, you'll be in charge of smaller to medium business while I'll only handle bigger deals" he stood up from his chair and walked around going to the glass cabinet and pulling out a cigar.

"The club will be your new office. Everyday you get up and go there then from the club you take care of whatever needs to be taken care of. I also want you to take care of these files by the end of the week" he said.

Bayliy let out a breath "but there's ten files here" she complained to which Ron just shrugged. "Better get going then" he said sitting in his chair with the lit cigar in his hand.

The pair got up and made for the door Blake pulled the door open for Bayliy but their father stopped them, "Oh and one more thing" they turned to him. "You have to work toghter and have each others back. Because there is no one else you can trust" with that said Bayliy walked out with Blake following behind her.

Blake closed the door to the office and they stood in the hall way looking at each other. "Now what?" Blake asked. They both looked down at the black files Bayliy held in her hands, she sighed "I guess we go to the office then" she winked making him smirk.

The pair had gathered a group in the foyer of members that their father had assigned to them. "So what do we do first boss?" Max asked he was signed as Bayliy's personal bodyguard. The other two where twins Tim and Tom both had blonde hair and ocean blue eyes, Blake's bodyguards.

They piled into two separate cars before making their way to the club for their first day on the job.

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