Chapter 18

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"What bag what are you talking about?" She asked Max. "We haven't opened it up yet but the guys brought it in said it was heavy. Your father wanted the two of you here when we opened it incase it was important" he explained.

"Well do we at least know who left the bag? And didn't you open it up yet? What if we're carrying around a bomb?" She asked frustrated. "I have a feeling it's not a bomb."

The two of them turned to see Ron walking towards them.  Bayliy looked at her father, something about them seem different. He's eyes were always empty and cold but that had just been a scare tactic, now the coldness look too real. Bayliy took a step back as her father got closer, she could sense that something had happened. Something he was not telling them.

"How did the deal go? What happened to Blake?" Ron asked in an emotionless tone. "The deal went well but we got shot at when we were leaving Blake took most of the hits" she explained. "I trust that you have the diamonds then?" He asked.

"Yeah let me get it" she said and turned to get it out of the car. She lifted the back seat up and pulled out the suitcase. "All here" she said handing it to him, "Max if you would" he said and Max held the case. He opened it and saw that everything was intact before closing the case again.

"Here take it and do as I told you" Ron said handing the case to Max. "Yes boss" he repiled. Bayliy looked between them confused, "Come with me you two" Ron said and started walking.

Max and Bayliy quietly followed Ron out into the far end of the garden, there were no cameras or guards to hear their conversation. "What's going on?" Bayliy once they were a safe distance away from everyone.

"I have a feeling that we are being watched" Ron said, "What? By who?" Bayliy asked scanning the area around them. "I don't know who it is yet but I want this to stay between the three of us, your brother will know about it when he wakes up" Ron explained.

"Something big is coming and we need to be ready for it. That's why I got these diamonds, Max will keep it in a safe place it's for insurance only should the time come that you need to use it. I've hid this along with a supply of every drug that we sell, it's in a secret warehouse only Max knows about. He'll take you there only if he needs to, it's enough to get restarted" he said.

"What's going to happen? Why would we need all these things?" She asked. "For insurance Bayliy. You can not tell anyone at all what I've told you tonight it stays with us and if everything goes well it dies with us too" he said. "Yes boss" Max repiled, "Okay" came Bayliy's reply.

"Does this have something to do with the bag that was sent?" She asked, Ron sighed. "I'm afraid so" he said. "What was in the bag?" She urged, Ron looked at her for a few seconds.

"What was in the bag?" She asked again more forcefully this time, "a body" Ron said. Bayliy froze her eyes becoming as wide as saucers. "Who's?" She has to force the question out, she was too scared to know the answer.

"We don't know yet, it was badly beaten and chopped into pieces. Completely unrecognisable" Max spoke up, "we sent it to the forensics lab for testing we're now waiting on the results" he said. "No could it be?" She asked covering her mouth to suppress the gasp.

Thinking what if that body was her mother's? What would she do? How would she take it? How would Blake and her father take it? As she stood there shocked Bayliy prayed for the first time in her life she prayed. Asking whoever was listing up there for the body not to be her mother's. Just because this person died in such a brutal way.

"Let's get back before anyone gets suspicious. But from now on keep your eyes and ears open at all times. Don't trust anyone but each other, and don't tell anyone a word of what we spoke tonight" Ron said before walking off.

Max and Bayliy following him. Once in the house Ron went up to his office and Max left out the front door, Bayliy went to the infirmary to check on Blake.

"How's he doing doc?" She asked looking at him through the glass window. "He lost a lot of blood, bullet to the right shoulder, left thigh, the right side of his abdomen and another close to his chest" the doctor said reading off of the reports. "We removed the ones in his abdomen so he's out of danger but he lost a lot of blood and it's going to take him so time to heal" he explained.

"Get the nurse ready, I'll be in the other room" Bayliy said and walked away. She pulled off her jacket and sat on the chair, a nurse came in a few seconds later. They knew better then to talk to her, the nurse poked a needle into Bayliy and started the started to draw some blood.

Bayliy sat back into the chair and looked up to the ceiling as she felt a bit drowsy. The nurse stopped after she took about four bags of blood from Bayliy. "Take more" Bayliy said stopping her, "but ma'am I already took the limit of blood from you" the lady said. "I was not fucking asking you now sit the fuck down and take more" Bayliy growled in a low tone.

The nurse out of fear did what she was lot and started to take more blood from her. "That's my brother in there"  Bayliy said the drowsiness getting worse. She passed out a few seconds later.

After another four more bags of blood were taken. Bayily was moved to a hospital bed and was hooked up to a drip before she was left alone, she fell into a dreamless slumber.

Both twins down one voluntary the other involuntary. Two sleeping giants waiting.

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