Chapter 3

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Bayliy sighed and dumped the stack of files on the table in the office of the club, she slumped in the desk chair and watched Blake pull out a cigarette then he sat on the arm of Bayliy's chair looking over her shoulder at the files.

The four boys sat in the VIP area of the club waiting for orders. Bayliy pulled the first file that was on the top of the pile and opened it, her eyes slowly reading over it's contains before she looked up at her brother.

Blake read it then looked at her and they shared a look, "are you sure you're up for it?" They both asked each other at the same time. There was a pause as the both looked away, "are you ready?" Blake asked in a low unsure voice.

Bayliy thought for a minute before a smirk was plastered on her face, "we where born for this" she said getting up and walking to the door. She opened it and motioned for Max then she turned to look at Blake. The boys walked in and closed the door behind them before standing in a straight line next to each other, "So you ready for our first job?" Blake asked, the guys didn't say anything.

"There are a few rules we need to lay down before we start" Bayliy explained, "rule number one always wear a bulletproof vest when we go out for jobs" Blake said.

"Rule number two always have each others back" Bayliy said. "And rule number three this is not a team this is family so have an understanding for each other and work well toghter" Blake finished, all the guys had smiles on their faces.

"Tim and Tom you are in charge of weapons, Max you are in charge of driving. This is our target" Blake placed the picture of a middle aged man on the table, "kidnap him and bring him here" that was all it took for the guys to get into action.

Tom got out a bag and placed weapons in it while Tim tracked the target down and Max got the car. As soon as they where ready they piled into a black SUV and drove off leaving Blake and Bayliy at the club.

The targets name was Daniel Lee and had stolen from the gang. The boys had tracked him down to his home where he was just about the leave from for work. Max parked a few houses away on the opposite street, Tim and Tom go out and hid in the bushes near Daniel's car. Right on time noises where heard and Daniel walked out of the house, with his keys in hand to his car unsuspecting.

Tim and Tom moved in at that point, Tom held Daniel's mouth while Tim bound his hands with cable ties then they injected him with a sleeping drug that took imidiate effect and pulled a sack over his head. Max had already started the car when he saw the twins move in and was now parked in the driveway waiting for them to get in.

Once everyone was in and no evidence was left they drove back to the club high fiving each other. They pulled up to the club and went in through the back door dragging Daniel with them, the put him in a dark room at the back of the club that no one used. The room was empty except for the chair that was now there.

"Good job guys" Bayliy said leaning against the door her arms crossed in front of her, "Who's there? Where am I? Let me go or I'm going to kill you all!" Daniel was now awake.

Blake walked to him and the guys dissapered into the shadows of the room, Blake pulled off the sack that was over Daniel's head. He leand forward and tutted, "Now now Mr Lee let's not make promises we can't keep" Blake said in a low chilling voice.

Daniel looked at him confused, "who the hell are you? Little boy if you don't let me go at once I'm going to beat you up so bad your father nev-" his words where cut by an agonizing scream. Bayliy had flung a knife into his shoulder, "well I guess news hasn't got out yet" Blake said.

"I'm Blake and this is my twin sister Bayliy. And you stoled from the Blood Guns now we're here to make you pay" he said mockingly. It was as if a light bulb filkered on in Daniel's head, he eyes grew wide and his mouth hung open. "You're the Lean twins" as he said the words out loud he realised it more.

His skin noticeably paled turning almost white, his eyes widened and pupils diluted in fear. Blake and Bayliy stood side by side watching Daniel's expression and every emotion that ran through his face. So they weren't surprised when Daniel smirked at them after he came down from his shock.

Daniel chuckled "okay kids let me go now and I won't be mad at you but I make no promises" he said looking up at them a lazy smile on his face.

The twins shared a knowing look before they turned back to Daniel. Blake grinned looking Daniel straight in the eyes, they made eye contact and Blake hardened his stare which Daniel tried to copy but we all knew who would win.

In a swift movement Blake was now sitting on Daniel's lap straddling him, his face inches apart. Blake still held eye contact but Daniel's stare was slowly wavering. Until he couldn't take the intensity of Blake eyes and he looked away, "go ahead kid kill me already" he said still looking away.

Blake sighed then gripped Daniel's face forcing him to make eye contact, "you of all people should of known not to judge a book by it's cover. I mean after all you're not what you say you are" Blake spoke in a meancing tone.

"You can kill me, by all means please do. But what's the use you won't be getting your money back" Daniel said in triumph yet his voice was a bit shaky. Blake nodded at him, "true, we won't get the money back. But making an example of a filthy fucking rat like you is worth way more" those were the last words Daniel heard before pain shot through his chest.

Looking down the dagger was plunged so deep only the black handle was seen, roughly pulling the blade out Blake plunged it back into Daniel's body. Blake pulled it out and stabbed Daniel multiple times before he was satisfied.

When he was done Blake stood up and threw the blade aside before whipping his hands on his shirt. He turned to the door of the room but stopped before he could open it, "take care of him" he said to the boys that had stepped out from the shadows. Then Blake pulled the door open and slammed it shut after he left.

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