Chapter 7

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"Blake since you are new you can join the boys here at the front. Good now that everyone has a group take these tips down to help with the project" the teacher instructed.

Blake stood us and looked over at his asigned group, he let out a huff before slinging his bag over his shoulder and walking over. The group of boys were needs and geeks, with slacks and formal shirts and glasses, such  stereotypical nerds they were.

On the bright side, Blake thought to himself. He could bully them into doing the project for him including all his other homework. His lips turned up into a smile at the idea and he beamed at them as he pulled a chair out and plopped down.

"What's up guys" he greeted cheerfully as he sat down, "yeah nice try buddy but it's gonna cost ya" one of the boys huffed at Blake. His smile feel and a hard sinister look clouded his features.

"What the fuck did you say to me?" He asked in a low threatening voice, "sorry he didn't mean to make you upset" Another guy jumped in. "He just means that if you want to get your homework and projects done by us you'll have to pay like everyone else" the boy explained.

Blake was taken aback by this new information, "so you knew what I was going to say?" He asked shocked. "Yeah you're not the first new guy who tried it and you sure as hell won't be the last" the first guy said rolling his eyes.

"Okay shut the hell up, you start talking" Blake ordered, "people pay you now for the work?" He asked. "Yeah we actually make really good money off of it, but when it comes to the exams you're on your own" the second guy explained.

"I'm Paul by the way and my lose lipped friend over here is Mark" he introduced, "Blake" he held out his hand. Paul shook it a bit excitedly, "we know who you are" he said dreamily. "Is it true what they say about your family? Have you really killed people?" Mark was the the one who asked that question.

"I can neither deny or agree with that statement" Blake answered flatly. "Since things have changed up from the last time I checked, we are going to do this together and I am going to show you two that I'm not dumb" Blake said leaning forward and taking down the points from the board.

Much to Blake's surprise the group worked well toghter and at the end they agreed to meet at Pauls house to finish the project.

"I can't fucking belive he's making us go through this hell" Bayliy said dumping her bag on the table and sitting down next to Blake.

It was now lunch time and the twins sat toghter at a table away from everyone else. "Tell me about it" Blake agreed taking a bit of his sandwich. "Hey Bayliy!" Someone shouted, Bayliy turned and saw Austin with a group of guys that looked to be in the football team approaching them.

"Who's that?" Blake asked at Austin then at Bayliy. "Just Austin" she brushed her brother off, "Just Austin?" Blake repeated indicating he wants more information. "I met him at our birthday" she shrugged.

"Hey what are you doing here alone?" Austin asked when he was at the table, he shook hands with Blake and gave Bayliy a quick side hug under Blake's gaze.

"Meet the team, team this is Bayliy and Blake" he troduced them, then took a seat next to Bayliy and the rest of the group followed. "So Blake I heard you're paired with Mark and Paul for a project" Austin said butting into an apple. "Yeah why?" Blake asked.

Blake had no time for teenager drama, he wanted to be anywhere but at this school at that moment. So that meant that he was not going to treat Austin  differently just because he was older, based on weight and reflexes Blake could knock Austin out for a week. He was not afraid of showing everyone who he was and who his father was.

"Wow! Those guys likes to party" Austin said, "What do you mean?" Blake asked. "You'll see and don't be  afraid to let lose a little too" Austin patted Blake on the shoulder.

"So Bayliy what are you doing this Friday?" He turned his attention to her, Bayliy shared a look with Blake before turning back to Austin. "I don't know yet why?" She asked. "My friends having a party on Friday, you guys should totally come" he said glancing between the twins.

"I'm sure we don't have anything to do" she said. He smiled at her and picked up her phone from the table, "What are you doing?" She asked. "Giving you my number so you can text me" he said, he sent himself a text and pulled his phone out from his pocket when it beeped.

He then handed Bayliy back her phone, "there now we have each others numbers" he said. "I gotta get going, catch you later" Austin said getting up from his seat, the rest of the group following him.

"What was that about?" Blake asked, Bayily tore her eyes away from Austin's retreating figure and looked at her brother. "What?" She asked innocently.

Blake narrowed his eyes at her, "you know what. Do you like him or something?" He asked. "He's just a friend I guess he helped me out" she shrugged. "If he hurts you I'll kill him" Blake said bluntly, a few kids turned their heads to look at them when the words left Blake's mouth.

"Don't worry if it ever comes to that I'll handle him myself" she said darkly, Blake gave her a knowing smirk. "So what do you think about that party this Friday?" She asked changing the subject.

"What about it?" He shrugged, "I think we should go" she replied. "And your decision is in no way influenced by Austin being there?" He teased her. Bayliy's cheeks heated but she managed to keep her composure.

"No it's not. Dad said we can't fuck this up so I'm just keeping up appearances" she shrugged. "If you say so."

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