Chapter 12

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Ron got back from Russia on Monday as he said he would. The club was just another problem to add for them. So Ron decided that he would get to it when he could. The doors were shut and reinforced from the inside. No one knew when it would open again.

Blake found that taking the drugs helped silence his wondering thoughts, it made him feel safe in his own head. And so he continued, but he drew the line at anything else. For now it was just smoking, drinking alcohol, smoking weed and sniffing cocaine.

Bayliy was the only family member who seemed to be having a good life. Austin was the picture perfect boyfriend and she even mustered up the courage to tell her father about their relationship. Now he was allowed to come around the house.

Bayliy was in her room getting ready for a party on Saturday night. She decided to wear something casual just because her intension was to get drunk that night. She wore a pair of blue jeans, a black t-shirt and her black heeled boots with her leather jacket.

"Ready to go?" Blake asked coming into her room. "Yeah let's go get shit faced" she said having one last look in the mirror before grabbing her phone and following Blake out of her room.

Everything had been so stressful lately they needed a rewind. And this high school party was the perfect opportunity.

The two of them got into the car and Max drove them, since they both planned on having a fun time and partying hard, taking their cars was useless.

"Hey babe" Austin greeted Bayliy  with a kiss and a hug when she got out of the car, he had been waiting for her on the lawn. "Hey hands to yourself boy band" Blake growled and Austin stepped back nervously. "Sorry got a little excited" he said smirking at Bayliy.

"Well have fun and call if you need me" he said giving Bayliy a kiss on the forehead and giving Austin a glare before diapering into the crowd. "Let's go get some drinks" Austin said pulling Bayliy along.

Blake pushed through the sea of teenagers and glared at a few to make his way to the stairs. Two guys from the football team stopped him, "sex, bathroom or other?" The guy asked Blake. "I'm with Paul" he said simply, the guy gave him a knowing look. "Five bucks" he said holding his hand out, Blake pulled his wallet out and handed the money to him. "It's the last door at the end of the hall. Enjoy" he said stepping aside.

Blake climbed the stairs and just as they guy had told him the door at the end was closed. He went up and knocked, "hey Blakey you're here finally" Mark said opening the door. He pushed it open and Blake followed him in. It was a medium sized room, there was a rug and a couch in the middle of the room.

There was also a TV, a few people were playing video games while others had their pick in the deadly cocktail of drugs spread out on the table. "Finally the fun can really start" Paul said once he saw Blake.

Blake tapped his fingers against his leg and he looked around. "What are you waiting for? Let's get started" Blake said and Paul gave him a smirk. "I already have it lined up for you. Cindy can you get us some drinks" he said to the girl on his arm. Blake and Paul snorted toghter.

"Okay Blake what are you smoking tonight?" He said, "well it is a party so bring on the weed" Blake repiled with a smirk of his own. Everyone cheered after hearing Blake's words.

Downstairs Bayliy and Austin were playing beer pong against another couple. "Come on babe you got this" Bayliy cheered him on, Austin aimed and then threw the ball onto the cup. The crowd went crazy cheering for them. "Yay! We won" Bayily said giving Austin a hug, he pulled away and stoled a celebratory kiss.

"Let's go get some air" he whispered into her ear. They held hands as they walked out to the pool where a few kids were swimming or standing around drinking and talking.

"Let's sit here" Austin said pulling her down with him on one if the pool chairs. "You look so pretty tonight, did I tell you that?" He asked running his hands up and down her legs. "No you didn't" she repiled, "well now I have" he said.

Both of them a little more then tipsy but not drunk enough to not know what they were doing. A guy came up to them holding out two solo cups, "thanks man" Austin said taking the cups and handing one to Bayliy.

She brought it to her nose and smelt it, "why would he just bring us drinks like that?" She asked looking at the guys retreating back. "Oh because I asked him to" Austin said taking a sip of his drink before setting it down.

Bayliy shrugged and gulped half the cup of alcohol down before putting it next to Austin's. He held her head and turned it to face him before claming her lips in a heated passionate kiss.

"Yes I win!" Blake shouted happily, he sat on the couch with a group of people playing cards. Some where along having fun he had discarded his shirt. "Okay let's do another line before the next game" Paul said, "hell yes" Blake stood and followed him to the side of the room.

There was a small table and two bean bag chairs next to the window. Blake snorted then sniffed and sat back in his seat welcoming the high. He closed his eyes a savoured the moment.

The silence was ruined by a commotion outside the room, "What the fuck is going on out there?" Paul asked sitting up in his chair. Before they knew it the door burst open and an angry Max walked through the door.

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