Chapter 16

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All of the drugs were removed from the tyres and packed before being distributed, all the tyres on the trucks were replaced and they were sent on their way back to where ever they had come from.

Blake stood in front of his mirror in his room, wearing only a pair of sweat pants. He examined his recognisably thinner form, his collar bones were showing and his ribs started to jut out. His toned and sculpted body was starting to fade, he was becoming a skeleton of the person he once was.

With a sigh he pulled a t-shirt and on and went down to the training room, where he found Bayliy beating the shit out of a punching bag.

"You good?" She stopped and asked him, "Yeah" he nodded back. She gave the bag a few more jabs then sat down next to him, she gulped down some water then unwrapped her hands. "What's up you seem a bit tense?" She asked looking at him.

"I don't know, don't you feel like somethings not right?" He asked, "What do you mean?" She asked back. "I mean first our mother goes missing then the club gets shot up among a few other things that have been going wrong recently. Don't you just feel like something is off?" He asked.

"I honestly don't know, well our mother missing is defiantly something to be worried about, but we gotta keep the businesses going before we lose anymore money" she said sipping on her water.

"It's just ever since we took over, things have been going down, we have to deal with all this shit including our own shit it's getting to heavy for me" he shook his head. Bayily turned to him with a raised eyebrow.

"You got something going on? Something you want to talk about?" She asked bumping his shoulder playfully. He smiled looking back at her, "nothing I would want you to know about...for your own good" he said.

"Take your time" she sighed and leaned her head on his shoulder. A little while later the twins went up to their rooms and started to get ready for the mission. Bayliy pulled on an all black outfit, black pants and t-shirt with black boots and a leather jacket.

She pulled her hair into a ponytail and put on a bulletproof vest and attached all her weapons to herself. "Ready?" She asked Blake as she walked down the stairs, "I don't know Bay something just don't feel right" he said.

"Relax it's going to be just fine" she patted his shoulder, but deep down Bayliy knew her brother was right, because she too felt the same nagging feeling at the pit of her stomach. Something was not right for sure and that's what made her more alert. She had to be extra careful tonight they were officially on their own, no help no bodyguards. Just the two of them relying on each other.

They went into the underground garage of the mansion and saw that Max was waiting for them. "Here I made all the necessary arrangements for you. Bulletproof everything" he said handing the keys to Blake. "Thanks" Blake said and went to the trunk to put in two bags of weapons in.

"I thought my dad had you doing stuff" Bayliy said, "I am I just stoled a few minutes before I have to head out. I don't feel too good about this tonight" he said. "That's exactly what I said" Blake repiled coming up to stand next to Max. "And like I told him I'll tell you, relax everything is going to be fine. Now let's go we'll see you when the job is done" she said giving Max a hug and a pat on the arm before getting into the car.

Blake followed behind his sister, Max left the garage before the twins could drive out. "So where are we heading?" Blake asked, "I'm putting in the location right now" Bayliy said typing it on to the GPS.

Just then her phone rang, "hello?"She answered immediately thinking it was her father or Max. "Hey babe what are you up to?" Austin's voice came from the other end. "Austin? Is everything okay?" She asked worriedly, "yeah why?" He asked.

"Nothing it's just that you've never called this late before, you usually send a text" she said. "Yeah well I wanted to hear your beautiful voice, so what are you doing?" He asked again.

"Um..." she looked at Blake who was focused on the road then at the GPS with that location in. "I'm actually busy right now I'll call you back later" she said, "really what are you doing at this hour?" He asked curious.

"Austin I gotta go okay I'll call you later" she said quickly, "no Bayliy wait-" he said but Bayliy had cut the call. She sighed and held her phone tightly in her hand, then it started to buzz again. She looked down and saw Austin's name flash across the screen again.

She took a breath and switched her phone off before opening the cubby holder and pushing it in. "Wow! You guys had a fight or something?" Blake asked glancing at her, "no I just don't want anything to throw me off my game. This job is really important and everything needs to go perfectly" she said.

"Good we need to stay focused, because we're here" Blake said as he parked the car in front of a group of people. Blake parked the the car and switched it off, the twins took a deep breath at the same time as they opened their doors and got out of the car.

They walked around and stood at the front of their car. Bayily had a small briefcase in hand. They silently watched as one of the men moved to the white jeep that was parked in front of them and open the back door.

An elderly man got out, he had grey hair and a grey beard. He wore a long black coat and hat and had a smug look on his face as he approached. "Now this this definitely something I was not expecting."

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