Chapter 19

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A few miles away in an undisclosed location. The front door to an unfirmillar house open and in walked what looked to be a man his face covered by a black hoodie.

His foot steps echoed through out the large house as he made his way to the kitchen. He stopped at the doorway and watched the women in front of him. She busied herself kneading the dough and rolling it out, she didn't need to look up to know she was being watched by the young man.

"I hope you are bringing me good news son" she spoke a coy smirk on her lips. "We stoled their drugs, burnt down the warehouse, killed one of their tactical teams, shot their club, kidnapped the mother, intercepted a deal, sent both brother and sister into hospital. Our plan is working perfectly, soon the Lean's will be dead then we will take over the Blood Guns" the man said.

"Careful not to get too close son" she warned, "I am always careful mother" the man said. "Enough talk of those people in my house, come let's have some pie" she said turning around and pulling out the apple pie from the oven then setting it on the table.

She sighed looking at the pie before her eyes landed on the young man, "whoever said you can't have your pie and eat it too is wrong. And I'm going to show them how."

Blake entered contiousness hearing the the beeping sound of a heart monitor. He stired and slowly opened his eyes to find himself in the infirmary of his house. He looked around at the machines he was hooked up and swallowed, but the saliva hurt his throat as it went down.

Luckily for him a nurse had just walked in to do a check up on him, "water" he crooked out. She froze seeing Blake away before sticking her head out in the corridor and shouting for the doctor. She rushed to Blake's side and gave him some water, he gulped it down and asked for more. After about three cups of water his thirst was finally quenched.

The doctor checked Blake's wounds and his vitals before leaving the room. "Hey, there he is sleeping beauty" Max said walking in, "welcome to the land of the living" Bayliy commented coming behind Max. "Hey guys" Blake greeted.

"How are you feeling?" Bayliy asked, "like I go shot four times" Blake joked. "Very funny" she rolled her eyes at him. "How long was I out for?" He asked, "Just a few days" Max shrugged. "So what have I missed?" He asked looking between the two.

Max and Bayliy shared a look before turning back to Blake. "Nothing much" Max shrugged, "Okay did you catch the guys who did this to me?" He asked hopeful. "Uh no..." Bayily said slowly, Blake raised an eyebrow. "Then what have you guys been busy with?" He asked suspiciously.

"Ah there he is my warrior" Ron said bursting into the room, Blake turned his gaze to his father who seemed to be drunk. "Can you please give me a moment with my son?" He asked, Max and Bayliy got up and left the room closing the door behind them.

Ron pulled up a chair and sat down, "so how are you feeling now?" Ron asked. "Okay I guess" Blake repiled, "yeah you took some pretty bad hits" Ron said pointing to Blake's body. Blake looked down at himself and didn't say anything.

"You hitting anything else Blake?" His eyes widened and he looked up at his father. "What do you mean?" He gulped before answering, Ron slammed his fist on the bed next to Blake's leg and stood up. "Cut the Bullshit kid and you know better then to lie to me" he said leaning down to be face to face with Blake.

Blake was quite, "the doctor's found cocaine in your system so drop the act" he said. "You better get yourself in check, things are about to change drastically and if you don't keep up you'll get shot in the head next time something like this happenes" Ron said in a low voice.

He stood straight and looked at Blake, "can you walk?" He asked. "I think so why?" Blake asked hastily, "get up I want to show you something" Ron said turning and walking out the door. Max and Bayliy rushed into the room and helped unhook Blake before helping him up.

They got a wheel chair and wheeled him behind Ron as they walked down the hallway. He opened the door to his office and took a seat at his desk pouring himself another drink.

Max wheeled Blake to the desk, Ron pick up a file and slid it over to him. "What's going on?" Blake asked looking at them, he looked down at the file and slowly opened it.

"A few days ago the night you got shot a bag was delivered to our door" Ron said taking a sip of his drink. "The body was badly mutilated as you can see from the pictures. So we sent it to the lab for testing" Ron's knuckles turning white and his grip on the glass tighter.

"The test came back..." Ron trailed off, "and?" Blake urged him to finish what he was saying. "It was your mother" he said, Blake's eyes widened as he looked at his father.

"Who would do something so sick?" He asked looking down at the picture, "we don't know yet but we're trying to find out as soon as we can" Ron said. "Whoever did this is going to pay so fucking much for putting her though so much pain, she didn't deserve What they did to her"  Blake said his fists clunched and his jaw locked.

"That's why I need you to get back on your feet as soon as possible, so we can catch these fucker's and kill each and every last one of them" Ron said. "Fuck!" Blake swore slamming his fist down on the table.

"Like I told these two" Ron said motioning to Max and Bayliy, "from now on ears and eyes opened at all time and no one knows what we're doing except for us" he said.

"Someone is playing a very sick game with us."

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