Chapter 15

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The following weeks were all the same, they found nothing. Everytime they came up with a lead it ended up being a dead end. Ron was getting impatient, he had a team if his own looking for Katlyin.

Blake was high all the time, he needed to keep his thoughts silent. He was more stressed now with his mother going missing. Bayliy was going through one whole pack of cigarettes for the day everyday. Tensions were high around the house and with the members.

"Come on babe you never spend time with me anymore, you're never at school" Austin complied sitting on Bayliy's bed, "I know and I'm sorry I've just been busy with my mother going missing and everyone's so stressed out" she said as she moved around her room putting some stuff away.

"I'll make it up to you as soon as I can I promise" she said coming to stand between his legs and putting her hands on his shoulders. "How about you make it up to me right now?" He asked wiggling his eyebrows, Bayliy laughed before pressing her lips to his.

He put his hands on hips and fell back onto the bed pulling her with him. Just as things were starting to get heated between them there was a knock on her bedroom door. They pulled away and Austin gorned, Bayliy laughed as she got off him.

"Why is it everytime this happens to me?" He mumbled to himself making Bayily laugh even more. She pulled the door open to see Max on the other side of the door. "Sorry am I interrupting something?" He asked giving Austin a glare.

"No you're not, what's up Max?" Bayliy answered. "Your father wants you in his office" he said glancing at Austin before leaving, Bayliy sighed and looked at Austin with an apologetic look. "I'll be back in a few minutes" she said walking up to him and giving him a peck on the lips.

"It's okay but when you come back I'm taking you out" he said. Bayliy left her room and went to her father's office. She opened the door to see the rest of the group already there, and she took her usual seat in front of her father.

"Good now that everyone's here" Ron said putting out his cigar. "The business has been going down since the warehouse got burnt down and then everything else happened. Thankfully we finally found a supplier to replace what we lost. There's five eighteen wheelers coming in tomorrow. I want you to be there to receive the shipment" he said.

"There's another job, a suitcase filled with diamonds is coming in, I need you two to get it while I handle a few other things. But you'll have to go on your own, I need these three to go collect some money with a few people. It's all hands on deck from now on. I trust that you can handle yourselves?" He asked.

"Yes we can" Blake repiled, "Good then I suggest you start setting everything up" he said dismissing them. They all left the room, "Max get the machines ready and get some extra tyres" Bayliy instructed and Max was off to do his job.

"Okay I'm hungry and ready to go out now" she said walking into her room, "perfect let's go now" Austin said getting up and they left the house. They went to the restaurant they had gone to the last time since the food was so good there.

"So what did your father want?" He asked as they ate, "Just business nothing interesting" she shrugged putting a fry in her mouth. "Oh well that's boring" he commented casually adding salt to his food.

"Well there was one thing that seemed  interesting" she trailed off, "really what was it about?" He asked. "There's some diamonds coming in tomorrow night" she said eating her food, "Wow that's something. What time?" He asked. "I don't know, I guess when my father tells us it's really to be picked up.

The conversation changed to what was happening at school to their lives at home and the progress they were making on finding Katlyin.

The next day Blake and Bayliy stood on the highway and watch all the trucks coming in. Just then police cars stop the trucks and surround them. "Well well well, what are you two up to now?" Agent Robertson asks stepping out of a car.

He had been after them for as long as they could remember, he was FBI and serious about his job. "How you doing Roby?" Bayliy asked smirking at him, "not too bad sweetheart" he said coming up to them. "Blake have you lost weight?" He asked, "stressed" Blake shrugged. He was now sitting on the hood of the car.

"I wonder about what" Robertson mumbled to himself, "open it up boys" he shouted. All the trucks were opened and the drivers were checked for IDs while the twins watched the show.

"They're all empty sir" an officer called back to Robertson. "Okay close it up let's go" he shouted back before shaking his head and looking at the smirking twins. "I don't know how you do it but one day I will get you" he said, "love you too Roby" Bayliy replied. "See you around Rob" Blake said as the officers walked away.

"Come let's get home" Blake said sliding off the hood and getting into the car. They lead the the trucks back to their house and parked all of them in the back yard. "Good work now get it out and packed up, I want it gone as soon as possible" Ron said from the terrace.

"Max did you get the tyres I asked for?" Bayliy asked, "Here it comes now" Max repiled as a trailer of tyres drove on to the lawn. "Let's do them one at a time" Blake said.

A group came in and jacked the truck up. They removed the tyres and threw them aside on the lawn. Bayliy and Blake walked over and a guy came getting the rim out. On the inside lining the tyre was weed.

Blake smirked pulling a packet out. "Now that's smuggling."

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