Chapter 11

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"Okay let's sweeten the mood, what are you having for dessert?" Austin asked as they looked over the menus. "Mmm I don't know maybe you should order for me" she said closing her menu and setting it down on the table.

"I have the perfect desert you are going to love it" he said calling a waiter over. Austin was giving him their orders when Bayliy's phone started to ring.

She pulled it out and saw Max's name flash across the screen. "Hello?" She answered, "Where the fuck are you?" His voice boomed though the phone. Bayliy winced before replying, "chill out I'm having dinner with a friend" she replied.

"I can't chill the fuck out. The club just got shot up" he shouted, "What?" Bayliy gasped pushing her chair back and grabbing her bag. "Get your ass down her right now" he said, "I'm on my way" she confirmed as she walked out the restaurant.

"Bayliy! Hey wait where are you going?" Austin asked coming running behind her. She had forgotten about him, "I'm sorry there's a problem at the club I have to leave now" she rushed out. "Okay relax let me take you, we came here toghter" he said and pulled his keys out.

"Here unlock the car and get in I'll be there in a minute" he said before running back inside no doubt to pay the bill. Bayily did as he told her, a few seconds later Austin ran back and got in. He drove over the speed limit to the club.

When they got to the club there were ambulances and a few police cars. She got out and rushed to Blake first, "thank God you're okay" she said checking him for injuries. "I'm fine Bay" he said using her pet name, he pulled her in for a hug.

"What the fuck happened?" She asked when she pulled away. She look at the broken windows and a few crying people. "About three guys wearing masks came in and shot the place up. A few people got shot" Max said coming to stand next to them.

"The same guys who robbed the warehouse?" She asked looking back at Max. "Could be, it's either another gang trying to stir up things or someone's after us" he said. "What did my father say?" She asked, "he's shutting the place down for now. Said there's nothing he can do until he comes back" Blake said.

"But we're going to lose even more money and where do we work from then?" She asked looking around. "Home I guess" Max shrugged, "everything okay Bayliy?" Austin asked coming up behind her.

Bayliy opened her mouth to reply but Max beat her to it. "That's a stupid fucking question to ask" he said, "Max!" Bayily said in a warning tone. "It's not okay but I'm sure it will be" she said looking at Austin, "if you say so" he smiled at her.

"Who's the buster?" Max asked looking Austin up and down, "Max this is Austin, Austin Max" she introduced. Austin held his hand out, "Austin nice to meet you" he said. Max took his hand and squeezed it a bit Austin winced before composing himself. Blake stood to the side with a smirk on his face, amused at the exchange.

"And who might you be to Bayliy?" Max asked, "oh I'm her boyfriend" he nodded in Bayliy's direction. Her eyes went wide as two heads snapped in her direction.

"Boyfriend? When did this happen and why wasn't I told about this?" Max asked narrowing his eyes at her, "yeah Bay I wasn't told about this either" Blake said crossing his arms in front of him.

Bayliy rolled her eyes at the two of them, "it happened a few days ago it's no big deal" she replied. "Well since its done" Max turned to Austin, Max was clearly intimidating. He was the same age as Austin but much taller and muscular then him, Max was scary with all his tattoos. Compared to Austins boy next door look.

"You hurt her and I'll chop your dick off and make you eat it, then chop the rest of you up and dump you in bosses piranha tank" he said in a low voice. "I second that" Blake agreed, Austin gulped then looked to Bayliy for help.

"Okay that's enough" she said pushing between them and placing a hand on Max's chest. "Come on Austin I'll walk you to your car" she said and left Austin tailing behind her.

"I don't like him" Max said as he watched them walk away, "something about that guy don't feel right" he said. "You feel it too?" Blake asked, Max glanced at him. "But she's a big girl she can handle herself. I'll only step in if she asks me to" Blake said shoving his hands in his pockets.

"So who was that?" Austin asked pointing with his tumb over his shoulder. "That's just Max" Bayliy replied brushing him off, "don't worry too much about him but he will follow through with his word" she said in a warning tone.

"Just Max? He seems to be too protective for him to be just Max. And trust me I don't plan letting him do that to me I like my body with all it's parts attached" he said.

"My dad found him a couple of years ago and took him in, he's been there from the time I was born. He's my big brother well he acts like my father sometimes, but he's a big softy" she said.

"Good because I can't stand the thought of another person's hands on you" he said caressing her cheek, "you are mine Bayliy Lean."

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