Chapter 5

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Ron brought the cigar to his lips inhaling then pulled it away exhaling onto the twins who sat opposite him in his office. He looked between the two and inwardly smirked, he raised them well. At such a young age he managed to make two of the world's most ruthless killers anyone had ever seen.

And one of them being a girl was all the more to praise himself. He knew for a fact that if anyone tried to mess with one they were messing with both and the person would find themselves in a body bag shortly after their encounter. Ron stubbed the cigar out into the ashtray next to him then sild over two files to them.

"This is your next mission. You are to be going undercover as normal high school kids" he explained. "Who are we taking out?" Blake asked, "no one" Ron replied. "Then what are we selling?" Bayily asked, "nothing" her father replied. They dropped the files onto the desk and looked at him.

Ron chuckled, "being in the mafia is not only about selling drugs and killing people. You have to know how to read people and you have to know how to go undercover. If you were out on a real job and they find out you're the rat they'll kill you as soon as possible."

"You start on Monday, you will learn to blend in with a crowed and learn how to read people so you know what their motives are. Always remember never let someone look into your eyes, your eyes are the key to your soul. Always be a good lier you'll never know when you'll need it. Keep your body relaxed and your face and eyes emotionless. Most importantly don't trust anyone you have each other that's more than you need."

With that he dismissed them.

Bayliy went to her room to see a whole lot of stuff dumped onto her bed. Clothes, shoes, makeup, school supplies and a back pack. She picked up one of the items and wrinkled her nose in disgust, it was a mint green top with a cut out in the front and it had glitter on the neck line.

She huffed and threw it back onto the bed before calling her personal maid up. "You asked for me miss" the girl said coming in with her head down, "yeah, take all those clothes and put it as far away as you can I don't want to see it, it's making my eyes hurt. Then I want you to pack all the necessary things I'll need into that school bag and pick out some clothes for me for school that won't make me look like a rainbow."

With that Bayliy left her and walked down to the basement. She walked down the dark hallway and to the weapons room, she stopped in her tracks. The door was slightly opened, pulling out her gun she used her free hand to slowly push the door open wider so she could fit in.

Without making a sound she walked in. She scanned the room but there was no one in there. She heard the door squeak behind her and the safety on a gun click, swiftly she turned around and pointed her gun at the person's head. She looked up at Blake who had his own gun pointed at her chest.

"Nice position" he commented motioning to his head, she shrugged "you die quicker" she replied. They pulled away and stepped back. "Fancy seeing you here" she said to him.

"Yeah I'm guessing you also got a shit load of school stuff in your room" he said to which she nodded. "So you're also here for school supplies?" He asked with a smirk on his face.

"Yeah but one thing's for sure I'm not wearin those rages they call clothes. The colors are so loud the paint is peelin off in my room" she replied.

Blake chuckled, " and they wanted me to dress like a nerd. A fucking nerd for fucks sake", Bayliy chuckled she liked when he swore it was so funny hearing him swear with his accent.

With nothing more being said they got to work. Bayliy picked up a few guns and knives, some more ammunition and some throwing stars and daggers. She also took a bullet proof vest. Blake had done the same taking whatever it was that he needed.

"Oh it's good to see the two of you already in here" they pulled out their guns aiming it at the door before their heads snapped in the direction of the voice. "Hey hey! It's just me" Max said holding up his hands in fright.

They lowered their guns and gave him an apologetic look. "You were looking for us?" Blake asked, "yes I wanted to show you some new toys that I got made especially for your next job" he said walking in and closing the door behind him.

He walked up to the table that was in the middle of the room and placed a heavy black duffle bag on it. He unzipped it and started pulling stuff out like a magician pulls out rabbits. He pulled out a sniper that had some improvement with a silver finish to it.
"Awesome" Bayliy gasped picking the gun up, "no no no, that's not for you. Thank you" he said taking it away from her much to her dismay.

"These are for you" he handed them two pens, "a pen?" Blake asked him with an unimpressed look on his face. "It's also a hidden knife" Max said pulling the top part of the pen off. He then dug in his bag and handed them two nerdy looking glasses, "these will record everything you see and send it straight to my computer. I can also pull up any information on the person you are looking at and it will be displayed for you to see" Max said.

"How?" Bayliy asked, "I'm getting to that don't rush me" he said. "You just have to hold a conversation with someone for at least a minute and it'll pull up all the information it can find on that person, also if you press this button you can see things from a far distance closely."

"Take these phones don't use your phones in the school or around the school but you can use these ones. Your father gave me strict instructions that the only number on that phone is mine in case you need anything but all the other numbers are fake. Also I created some online profiles for you to help you blend in more. Make sure you are at a safe distance away from the school area before you make a call on your original phones"

"I think you two have got everything under control. Now all you need is good luck for high school"

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